Housing, leisure & digitization, banks and insurance companies – these topics were most frequently asked for in 2024 at AK Niederösterreich -Consumenteratung. AK Lower Austria President and ÖGB Lower Austria Chairman Markus Wieser and Mag.a Sandra Nowak, head of the AK Lower Austria consumer consultancy, take stock of the past year, which has been achieved for the members of AK Lower Austria, and provide outlook on current developments and future Challenges.
As a conversation partner: Inside you are available:
- Markus WieserAK Lower Austria President and ÖGB Lower Austria Chairman
- Mag.a Sandra NowakHead of AK Niederösterreich-Consumenteratung
We would be happy to welcome a representative of her medium.
Press conference of AK Lower Austria for the Consumer Protection Balance 2024
Datum: 01/30/2025, 10:00 a.m.
Art: Press and
Ort: Employee: Interior center
AK-Platz 1
3100 St. Pölten
AK Lower Austria
Carina Karas, BA
Telefon: 0664 2848439
E-mail: carina.karas@aknoe.at
Website: https://noe.arbeiterkammer.at
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | AKN