Press conference and presentation of the new ÖVGW study for 2023 | ÖVGW Austrian Association for Gas
Vienna (OTS) –

On Wednesday, 4. September 2024finds around 10:00 a.m the presentation of the new ÖVGW study “Extreme weather conditions and status of water supply security in 2023” within the framework of one Press conference at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Vienna (Schubertring 5-7, 1010 Vienna).

A short excerpt from the study:

2023 was the warmest year in Austria since measurements began in 1768. The year was characterized by heat waves and dry periods in summer, which were punctuated by several heavy rain events with above-average amounts of rain. Heat periods, heavy rainfall and the loss of snow have a negative impact on groundwater recharge, which can lead to a decline in resource availability. According to the study, in 40% of cases of extreme weather events – caused by heavy rainfall combined with flooding – there was impairment and damage to the supply infrastructure. Despite the extreme weather situations in 2023, the security of supply of drinking water was guaranteed by the Austrian drinking water suppliers. The already known infrastructural measures, such as the expansion of pipe connections between water suppliers, the development of additional resources, reinvestments in existing systems and the expansion of storage capacities, have thus shown their positive effect.

Against the background of the further increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, the ÖVGW is pushing for the measures planned in the drinking water security plan of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management to be implemented quickly. In order to maintain security of supply of drinking water in the future, infrastructural measures must be further promoted.


  • You will be available for questions and interviews after the study presentation
    Herr DI Dr. Romance NINE DEVIL (BOKU Vienna, study author) and ÖVGW President Ing. Wolfgang NÖSTLINGERMSc MBA (speaker of the water department) available on site.
  • Photos will be available for download via APA Picturedesk after the press conference.
  • Die Study will be available digitally following the press conference


The Austrian Association for the Gas and Water Industry (ÖVGW) is the only, independent and voluntary interest group for Austrian drinking water suppliers. It counts over 291 companies from the water sector among its members. The ÖVGW represents more than 2,000 water suppliers through cooperation with regional associations. These supply around 80% of the centrally supplied population with drinking water. Austrian drinking water is obtained 100% from groundwater (wells and springs), most of which does not need to be treated. For the ÖVGW, the focus is therefore on protecting groundwater and securely supplying the population with healthy, high-quality drinking water in times of climate change.

press conference

Press conference and presentation of the new ÖVGW study for 2023 “Extreme weather conditions and status of water supply security in 2023” with study author DI Dr. Roman NEUNTEUFEL (BOKU Vienna) and ÖVGW President Ing. Wolfgang NÖSTLINGER, MSc MBA (speaker of the water department).

Datum: September 4, 2024, 10:00 a.m

Art: Pressetermine

Ort: Hotel „The Ritz-Carlton“

Schubertring 5-7

1010 Wien



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