Prammer/Greens: Freedom of Information Act passed in the Constitutional Committee

Voting in the National Council will follow on January 31st

Vienna (OTS) “Austria is the last democracy in Europe with official secrecy. We Greens entered this government with the promise to change that and ensure transparency and clean politics. With the Freedom of Information Act, we are keeping this promise and implementing what governments have failed to achieve for decades: a fundamental right to information,” says Agnes Prammer, constitutional spokeswoman for the Green Party, about today’s resolution of the Freedom of Information Act in Parliament’s Constitutional Committee and explains: “To the Official secrecy is replaced by a right to information. This means that in the future, authorities and offices from the federal government to the smallest municipality will have to answer all inquiries comprehensively and quickly. Hiding behind official secrecy will be a thing of the past.”

“From the new party law to the new corruption criminal law to media transparency: With the Freedom of Information Act passed today in the Constitutional Committee, we are implementing the next important measure in a long list of anti-corruption laws from this federal government and showing once again: We Greens are the guarantee for transparency and clean politics says Prammer. The vote on the Freedom of Information Act in the National Council plenum will take place on January 31st.

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+43-1 40110-6317

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