Portisch winner 2025 is Thomas Seifert
The jury of the Hugo Portic Prize for Quality Journalism decided on Friday, March 7th, for the following award winners: The award in the main prize category goes on Thomas SeifertBorn 1986. The jury paid tribute to its many years of international experience. He has been a reporter in the best sense since 1991 and has mastered many medial forms of expression. Seifert is often in conflict zones and has already worked for an impressive number of quality media. It is his great strength to take the audience and readers in the middle of the action without losing journalistic distance – in the spirit of the price name. In his books, he continues to go deep and delivers backgrounds on explosive topics.
In the category of contemporary history / documentation, the KURIER editorial team “History for looking at” was around Susanne Mauthner-Weber (Born 1965)). The jury finds the long -term constant quality and the ability to present history easily understandable. The range of topics is wide and always up to date. The clear graphic implementation is a unique selling point in the Austrian media landscape. This is a team performance of the editor and graphic.
The German-Austrian journalist was in the junior category Matthis Catish (Born 1996). His multimedia journalistic work is a promise to the future for the jury. The North Africa specialist is varied, creative and innovative and works for different German and Austrian media.
The jury belong to:
- Maria Scholl (editor -in -chief Austria press agency)
- Susanne Glass (editor -in -chief abroad and political background BR)
- Meret Baumann (correspondent for Austria and East Central Europe, NZZ)
- Danielle Spera (publicist)
- Oliver Rathkolb (historian)
- Helmut Wohnout (historian and general director of the Austrian State Archives)
- Gerald Grünberger (President of the Austrian Press Council)
- Martina Salomon (President of the Hugo Portic Society)
- Peter Schöber (Vice President of the Hugo Portic Society)
The price was awarded for the 3rd time this year. There were a total of 54 highly qualified submissions, the decision was made unanimously in all categories.
The awards are on the 22. May 2025 awarded at 6 p.m. as part of a GALA event at ORF Radioculture House.
The Hugo Portic Prize has been awarded annually in memory of the Doys of quality journalism and contains the categories “main prize”, “contemporary history & documentation” and “young talent”.
The prize is advertised by the Hugo Portisch-Gesellschaft and financially funded by the Austrian Federal Government and the City of Vienna.
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | Cure