Pope, cardinal and cathedral priest: The three holy Corona kings are running away from their sheep

Pope, cardinal and cathedral priest: The three holy Corona kings are running away from their sheep

“Lord, please rain brains for the Pope.”

And the fact that the Pfizer vaccine was demonstrably developed and produced using cell lines from aborted fetuses no longer bothers anyone in a Catholic Church that has thrown all boundaries overboard when it comes to ethics.

LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ Klubobmann

Is it because of his advanced age (87) or did he just sniff the incense too hard? The year is 2024, no sensible person doubts the more than limited to non-existent effectiveness (or rather: the life-threatening nature) of the corona injection – except for one thing: Pope Francis himself saw the consequences of the vaccination confirmed millions of times In addition to the 17 million vaccination deaths worldwide, in several interviews with the journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona, he continues to promote the killer injection and describes any criticism as a “suicidal act of refusal”. “It’s no wonder that the church’s sheep are running away in droves when at its head – unfortunately in the truest sense of the word – there is a gravedigger,” says LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ club chairman, stunned. “Lord, please let brains rain down on your highest earthly representative,” says Krautgartner in a prayer to heaven – but whether the prayer reaches the top or the brain reaches the bottom is more than questionable. The Pope is by no means the only confused figure in the ranks of the Catholic Church who is fueling its own shrinking process.

As is well known, the RKI’s more than explosive Corona protocols were only recently disclosed. Content: The RKI had known internally for a long time that “recovery and vaccination certificates” were completely meaningless. It is documented from February 2021 that people were fully informed that the vaccination in no way protects against infection. But politicians and the media were telling people staccato that the vaccination would protect themselves and others – a blatant lie. “It is proven that the pandemic panic did not start due to medical evidence, but rather due to political and military calls,” said Manuel Krautgartner. “The public was deceived and, under false pretenses, pressured into measures restricting fundamental rights and even experimental vaccinations, without there being any scientific justification for this.”

Unvaccinated people “suicide” for the church?

After all the knowledge about the dangers of the injection – according to recent estimates, more than 17 million people worldwide died from the “scourge of God” called corona injection – the papal call sounds like an April Fool’s joke gone completely wrong: If Pope Francis himself is still for the Anyone who promotes COVID injections and describes criticism of the life-threatening consequences as an “almost suicidal act of refusal” should raise alarm bells. Manuel Krautgartner: “It’s no wonder that people are running away from the church in droves. The last available figures from 2022 alone show almost 91,000 departures.”

In recent years, the Pope has repeatedly called for the injection to be given – he even described the jab as an “act of love”. While these appeals have been more than borderline in recent years, they are now nothing less than a monstrosity: “I even call it a call for self-mutilation,” says Manuel Krautgartner. At the same time, the Pope has yet to offer any conciliatory words towards vaccination critics. Apparently no one instilled in him the concept of charity and compassion. “And the fact that the Pfizer vaccine was demonstrably developed and produced using cell lines from aborted fetuses no longer bothers anyone in a Catholic Church that has thrown all boundaries overboard when it comes to ethics.”

Vaccine fanatic Cardinal Schönborn

In Austria, too, the church, in the person of Cardinal Schönborn, promoted and supported the dangerous injection with impious one-sidedness: “St. Stephen’s Cathedral is a suitable place to remember that vaccination has something to do with self-protection, charity and protecting others “That’s why we believe that St. Stephen’s Cathedral is a good place for that” – these words worked Kardinal Schönborn the second largest church in Austria into a “vaccination center” for young and old. Several hundred people a day were driven into the needle in front of the altar with divine assistance. It should also not go unmentioned that Schönborn & Co. kept their endlessly large premises closed during the refugee crisis, thereby placing the burden of accommodating hundreds of thousands of refugees on the Austrians.

A cathedral priest without compassion

And because there was already talk of compassion and charity earlier: the Viennese cathedral priest Toni Faber said in a media broadcast that he had “no pity” at all for unvaccinated people: “It is a lesser evil to exclude those who are still “We didn’t get vaccinated,” he said in November 2021 about the lockdown for unvaccinated people. Rather, according to Faber, vaccination has something to do with “charity,” while at the same time he opened his heart to all those who were injected: “The cathedral was always a home for many people and is open to people.”

MFG club chairman Manuel Krautgartner has left the church

Like many other compatriots, too MFG club boss Manuel Krautgartner left the church due to this development. The “vaccination clerics” were just the tip of the iceberg: “The boundaries of ethics and morals are repeatedly exceeded to an unbearable extent – even in the rooms of the church itself. Starting with the Bad Ischl ‘naked dance’ on holy ground through to works , which I cannot reconcile with my conscience – specifically the skull representations of Jesus hung upside down in St. Stephen’s Cathedral, which are reminiscent of satanic symbolism. I know: The church wants to provoke and believes that it will become ‘interesting’ for new target groups – gladly, but then without me. It’s time to take a stand. For tradition and values, without excluding the new. Baba, Pope!”

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