Plannable aid: A key to stabilization in long-lasting global crises

Plannable aid: A key to stabilization in long-lasting global crises

Funds decided at an early stage improve the accuracy and effectiveness of Austria’s humanitarian aid

Vienna (OTS) “We welcome today’s decision by the Federal Government to provide 21.5 million euros from the Foreign Disaster Fund (AKF) for humanitarian aid in long-term crises. With this early agreement, the coalition partners are improving the planning of humanitarian operations in the remaining year and thus also their accuracy and effectiveness “For people in ongoing need, these funds represent a bit of hope for stabilization.”Managing Director Lukas Wank is relieved about the announced approach, which the development policy umbrella organization AG Globale Responsibility has been advising for a long time.

Specifically, Austrian aid organizations are intended to use these funds to support the needy populations of Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Middle East and countries in West and East Africa. Wars and conflicts, the climate crisis, health and debt crises as well as hunger and poverty have had their lives firmly in their grip for many years. “Austria’s experienced humanitarian organizations, which always work with local partners on site, enjoy a high reputation in the crisis regions and give aid a face. There is no end to the need in sight, which is why Austria’s commitment is still in demand,” Wank points out .

Expand humanitarian aid budget and secure it in a timely manner

During the current government period, the coalition has already responded to the worsening global crisis spiral by temporarily increasing the AKF to 105 million euros. At least 80 million euros are planned for 2024. The managing director of the development policy umbrella organization emphasizes that these increases enable Austrian Humanitarian Aid to support people not only in acute disasters, but also in long-lasting, often forgotten crises.

Finally, he points out that the stability of small, wealthy Austria also depends on international agreements. “We therefore ask the government to continue to increase the funding for humanitarian aid as well as for long-term international development and peace work in accordance with its international obligations and to secure these in a timely manner for the next few years.”pleads Wank.

Die GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY – Working Group for Development and Humanitarian Aid is the umbrella organization of 36 NGOs for international development and humanitarian aid. Our member organizations carry out 1,000 projects every year in over 120 countries around the world, contributing to a decent life for everyone on a healthy planet.

Questions & Contact:

AG Global Responsibility
Hannah Hauptmann
Press and public relations officer
+43 1/522 44 22 – 15 | +43 699/17 20 42 07

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