Petra Lindner / MFG: “YES to a referendum on the future of Linz’s green belt!”

Mayor Luger, keep your paws off the Linz green belt!

MFG fully supports the protests of the citizens’ initiatives and calls for people to support the planned referendum on the preservation of Linz’s green belt

Petra Lindner, MFG-Linz district spokeswoman

He’s doing it again: Mayor Klaus Luger wants to convert over 100,000 square meters of grassland north of Kepler University into building land and gradually seal it. At the same time, “heat emergency plans” are being drawn up and trees worth millions are being planted in downtown Linz. “MFG fully supports the protests of the citizens’ initiatives and calls for people to support the planned referendum on the preservation of Linz’s green belt.”says MFG Linz district spokeswoman Petra Lindner.

Around 6,100 signatures from people registered in Linz are needed to make a referendum possible: “There is no other way to stop the ‘concrete mayor’ of Linz, who seems to not care about anything towards the end of his term in office,” says Petra Lindner. There would also be space elsewhere for the Linz Digital University’s proposed project – for example at the planned PostCity near the main train station. Petra Lindner: “As is so often the case, it’s about a prestige property and an unnecessary magnificent building on a hillside in order to generate beautiful images at the opening.”

MFG’s demand is clear: preservation and preservation of Linz’s green belt without ifs and buts. “There should no longer be any reallocations based on private interests. In Linz there are more than enough fallow, already sealed areas that can be used for urban development.” LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ club chairman, is equally critical: “Only the strong sword of direct democracy can now be abandoned by all good spirits Mayor still stop.”

Meetings planned in the green belt

“In the coming weeks, we will be inviting people to small picnics in the Linz green belt so that the people of Linz can see for themselves what kind of grassland is going to be destroyed here,” says Petra Lindner. Signature lists to initiate the referendum can now be requested from the “Protect Linz Green Belt” initiative by email at

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MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402

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