PES election campaign event (2) – Regner, Schieder and Schumann in Europatalk: “SPÖ is the European party that stands up for the people!”

Schieder sees a directional decision in Europe and warns of a shift to the right – sprinkler for EU wealth taxes – Schumann: EU is a driving force for women’s rights

Vienna (OTS/SK) At a Europe talk in Vienna’s Marx Palast as part of the PES election campaign event, SPÖ-EU leading candidate Andreas Schieder, Vice President of the European Parliament Evelyn Regner and SPÖ parliamentary group leader in the Bundesrat, ÖGB Vice President Korinna Schumann supported a strong, social and fair Europe. Schieder emphasized that “Europe first” is needed, especially when it comes to location and climate policy, i.e. investments in Europe as a location and in the production of goods in order to combat climate change and create green jobs. “Otherwise we will fall further behind in Europe – and we cannot allow that!” says Schieder. Schumann sees a “complete standstill in women’s policy” in Austria – the important impulses recently came from Europe, Schumann cited the wage transparency and compatibility directives and the European minimum wage as examples. Regner emphasized that a lot of progress had been made in the European Parliament during this legislative period. “This is because there is a great social democratic team, including in the EU Commission, that sticks together. We always stand for something – be it the regulation of platform work, the European minimum wage, wage transparency or the supply chain law,” says Regner. “Social Democracy is THE European party that stands up for the people!” ****

Regner emphasized that of every 100 euros in taxes, 80 come from income and consumption, 6 from corporations and only 4 from assets. “We have to change that!” At the EU level, it has already been achieved that corporations have to disclose where they earned their profits – where they also have to pay taxes on them. “The federal government still hasn’t implemented this,” said Regner about the “lousy proposal from the government, which doesn’t want to do anything for more tax fairness.” Regner is calling for wealth-related taxes for the super-rich at the EU level – “we need this money!”

Schieder emphasized that the coming election is about a directional decision. “The European model of life – living in peace, freedom and social security, with a strong public infrastructure – we have to develop that further! But the right-wing is destroying the European unification project. We have the answers to how Europe can become better, fairer and more social!” said Schieder, mentioning the closing of tax loopholes, the expansion of women’s rights, more opportunities for young people and the fight against inflation: “While other countries have acted, they are paying in Austria more than necessary for life!”

Peace is a major challenge in view of the war on our doorstep. “The desire for peace must be placed at the center of politics,” said Schieder, for whom freedom, democracy and social justice are essential. Schieder advocates reviving Austria’s active foreign and neutrality policy. The FPÖ, for example, is not neutral, but “sacrifices neutrality at the Kremlin door,” says Schieder. “Anyone who is for peace is for social democracy!”

When it comes to women’s policy, Schumann said: “The federal government could have implemented European ideas for women long ago, but they have no interest in improving the situation of women. Only social democracy wants women to do well, to have more rights and opportunities, and that’s why we’re running with all our might!” The coming election is about the future of democracy in Europe. “And whenever democracy falters, women’s rights falter. We have to fight back with full force!” When the right comes to power, as in Finland, workers’ rights are restricted and social rights are rolled back, “that has to be prevented!” (cont.) bj/ls

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SPÖ federal organization, press service, Löwelstraße 18, 1010 Vienna
Tel.: 01/53427-275

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