Pensioners’ Association/Kostelka: 24-hour care funding must be increased to at least 1,500 euros!

Pensioners’ Association/Kostelka: 24-hour care funding must be increased to at least 1,500 euros!

8,000 24-hour nurses have left Austria in recent years – the framework conditions for 24-hour care urgently need to be improved

Vienna (OTS) Regarding the current discussion about 24-hour care, Dr. Peter Kostelka, President of the independent Austrian Pensioners Association, says that better framework conditions for 24-hour care are urgently needed. The most important measures: The funding for 24-hour care must be increased to 1,500 euros, the income limit for 24-hour funding must be raised and the framework conditions for nursing staff must be improved. ****

“An increase in funding would also increase the wages of the carers. Current figures show how necessary this is. In recent years, around 8,000 24-hour care workers have left Austria because they expect more attractive conditions and, above all, higher wages in other European countries. There is a threat of a major care crisis and 24-hour care is in serious danger. Government leaders must act now – otherwise this important pillar of the care system will collapse. With catastrophic consequences for those affected, their relatives and the entire system,” emphasizes Kostelka.

Therefore, the independent pensioners association of Austria demands:

+ Increase in 24-hour care funding to at least 1,500 euros. (Since its introduction in 2007 (!), this funding was increased from 550 to 640 euros for the first time in 2023 and to 800 euros since September 1, 2023.)

+ Adjustment and increase of the income limit to promote 24-hour care. This has not been increased once in 17 years. Since 2007, this limit has remained unchanged at 2,500 euros, although inflation has increased by 46.9 (!) percent since 2007. Due to the annual increases in pension and care allowances, more and more people are no longer eligible for 24-hour care each year (this is currently 800 euros for 2 self-employed carers or 1,600 euros for two employed carers per month, note) out of here.

+ Tax improvements: tax exemption notice for the current year for expenses for 24-hour care

+ Comprehensive supervision for carers and relatives (also digital supervision for carers and, if necessary, for relatives)

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Pensioners Association
Andreas Wohlmuth
Secretary General

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