Parents need reliable child education and care options

Upper Austria is still a long way from being “Children’s Land No. 1”.

Linz (OTS) Nice words are not enough. In order to become the No. 1 children’s area, more commitment from state politicians is necessary“, criticizes AK President Stangl. Because Upper Austria continues to lag significantly behind the other federal states when it comes to offering child education and care. The circumstance is known. Nevertheless, there is no sign of an ambitious expansion plan or a training offensive to meet the workforce requirement. So it’s hardly surprising: compared to the federal states, Upper Austria lags behind and is not catching up.

The constant sugar-coating doesn’t help parents who are looking for a place in daycare centers or kindergartens. More and more women are in employment and the world of work is becoming more and more flexible. Parents are therefore increasingly dependent on well-developed and well-functioning institutional child education and care. The advantages of early support before school have long been undisputed. “Every euro invested here pays off several times overAK President Andreas Stangl is certain.

Data and facts speak for themselves
When it comes to children under the age of three, Upper Austria is in second-to-last place in a federal state comparison with a childcare rate of around 21 percent; the gap to five of the eight other federal states has even increased in the last five years. The national average care rate is 30 percent. The EU target is 45 percent. If the rate of growth remains the same, Upper Austria will only reach this point in 18 years.

Upper Austria lags even further behind when it comes to places for children under three that enable parents to work full-time (so-called VIF places). A corresponding offer is available for just five percent of all children in this age group. This puts Upper Austria in last place in the federal state ranking in this category. In the last five years, the gap to seven of the eight remaining federal states has increased.

The range of available full-day places is also weak for three to six year olds. With 26.3 percent, Upper Austria is only in second to last place here. Here, too, Upper Austria fell further behind compared to six other federal states.

According to the Education Investment Act, 40 percent of school-age children should be cared for full-time (school, after-school care) in the 2032/33 school year. But when it comes to school afternoon care, Upper Austria also ranks second to last in a comparison of federal states. The State Audit Office found last year that it is not foreseeable that the legally required childcare quota will be achieved. In the past five years, it has fallen further behind seven of the eight other federal states.

Political initiative is necessary: ​​concrete demands on the state of Upper Austria
The long distance to all destinations puts a strain on Upper Austrian families. The Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor is calling on the state of Upper Austria to use the additional financial resources from the federal government to decide on a package of measures, to create a concrete regional implementation plan and to provide the necessary resources from the budget. For a feasible concept, the strengths of all partners and experts must be pooled. Supporting organisations, municipalities and cities as well as the social partners have already proven on several occasions that they work together to develop good solutions.

The AK Upper Austria demands:

  • a legal right to a high-quality care place from the age of two, such as in Tyrol,
  • a free offer until the end of secondary level I (lower level MS/AHS),
  • Measures for the concrete expansion of institutional children’s education and care facilities and all-day school offerings for compulsory school age as well as a concrete plan for a training offensive for the next ten budget years based on socio-spatial planning for 2024 to 2033,
  • the sustainable financial security of the offer for the communities.

Questions & Contact:

Chamber of Labor Upper Austria – Communication
Hans Promberger
+43 (0)50 6906 2161

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