Dog abandoned at tram stop | PID Press
Vienna (OTS) – Christmas time should actually be a peaceful and contemplative time with the whole family. A young female Rottweiler recently experienced the opposite. She was found…
Portal Berita Terupdate Di Dunia
Vienna (OTS) – Christmas time should actually be a peaceful and contemplative time with the whole family. A young female Rottweiler recently experienced the opposite. She was found…
150 Wiener Netze employees keep Vienna running at Christmas and New Year’s Eve: the emergency gas, electricity and district heating teams are on duty around the clock! Vienna…
The asylum system in the EU is being fundamentally reformed. After years of discussions, representatives of the EU states and the European Parliament finally agreed on the relevant legal texts,…
Fairer taxation for citizens strengthens purchasing power Vienna (OTS) – The abolition of cold progression is the heart of the federal government’s relief measures and noticeably strengthens purchasing power. Cold…
In northern Germany, too, the climate influenced construction and lifestyle in the Stone Age. Photo: dpa/Markus Scholz With the end of the Ice Age it became warmer and warmer, the…
“It’s just over a week until the government’s new punitive CO2 tax hits people hard” Vienna (OTS) – “The political goals that the Greens are really pursuing with vigor are…
EQS Voting Rights Announcement: IMMOFINANZ AG IMMOFINANZ AG: Publication in accordance with Section 135 Para. 2 BörseG with the aim of Europe-wide distribution 12/21/2023 / 9:54 p.m. CET/CEST Publication of…
The OTS mailings around Christmas cover a wide range of topics: from last-minute tips to fundraising campaigns to culinary delights and health advice. In any case, APA-OTS wishes you a…
Linz (OTS) – Experiences of bullying leave scars that can stay with you throughout your life. At a total of seven “youth dialogue meetings” in the AK district…
Steffen, what do you think of osteopathy? Hard to say. I know people who swear by it. Obviously there are similarities with manual therapy. What’s probably interesting about osteopathy is…