Literature: Churches as rental sharks |
There were protests against the behavior of Christian rental sharks, as here in Berlin-Kreuzberg. This is also what the book “The master of the house gives it, the master takes…
Portal Berita Terupdate Di Dunia
There were protests against the behavior of Christian rental sharks, as here in Berlin-Kreuzberg. This is also what the book “The master of the house gives it, the master takes…
WKÖ trade chairman Trefelik: “Social partnership in Austrian trade works” Vienna (OTS) – “With an increase in the salaries of around 450,000 employees in Austrian retail by an…
EQS Voting Rights Announcement: Frauenthal Holding AG Frauenthal Holding AG: Publication in accordance with Section 135 Para. 2 BörseG with the aim of Europe-wide distribution 12/27/2023 / 12:51 CET/CEST Publication…
Premiere for Katharina Schaber on January 4th Vienna (OTS) – ORF Salzburg is strengthening its moderation team for the television program “Salzburg Today”. On Thursday, January 4th, 2024,…
The apf has evaluated the exceptional circumstances in the flight sector that can be proven in its procedures. Weather events and strikes top the list. The EU Air…
That was the women’s bookstore “Lillemors” at Barer Strasse 70 in Munich. Foto: picture alliance /SZ/Catherina Hess You ran “Lillemors” for over 40 years. Was it difficult to close the…
Vienna (OTS) – During the Christmas holidays, previously unknown perpetrators carried out an arson attack on the Maria Namen parish church in Ottakring: between midday and evening mass,…
EQS Voting Rights Announcement: Frauenthal Holding AG Frauenthal Holding AG: Publication in accordance with Section 135 Para. 2 BörseG with the aim of Europe-wide distribution 12/27/2023 / 12:58 CET/CEST Publication…
The New Year’s Eve and New Year’s program on ORF 1, ORF 2, ORF III and 3sat Vienna (OTS) – Celebrate New Year’s Eve and welcome the New…
Uli Brée’s new ORF series with, among others, Ursula Strauss, Simon Schwarz and Claudia Kottal on ORF ON and in the ORF-TVthek Vienna (OTS) – The “beasts” are…