ÖVP continues to follow the requirements of EPP boss Weber
Vienna (OTS) –

FPÖ general secretary NaBG today described FPÖ general secretary. Christian Hafenecker, MA The latest claim by EPP boss Manfred Weber for a European army: “It is not surprising that the ÖVP strictly refused to speak out against such plans in the negotiations with the FPÖ. Apparently, she continues to follow the requirements of the EPP and an EU elite that runs a gradual hollowing out of national sovereignty. ”

Hafenecker emphasized that Austria’s participation in an EU army would mean the end of constant neutrality: “Such an extensive integration would not only be a further step towards a European state, but would also massively restrict Austria’s foreign policy independence.”

A look at the black and red-pink government program also shows how strongly the new coalition subordinate to the interests of the EU: “Instead of supporting peace initiatives, war policy continues. Instead of stopping illegal migration, the policy of open borders remains. While other countries strengthen their economy, the recession and rising government expenditure are driving Austria in the direction of downward spiral. “

Hafenecker sees the composition of the new government particularly critically: “A bloated cabinet, characterized by power calculus and posting, does not serve the interests of their own population, but follows the specifications from Brussels. The question arises whether the new Chancellor should still get his seat of government in Vienna or not directly in Brussels. ”

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