Overwhelming fundraising success at ORF Radio Vorarlberg for LIGHT IN THE DARK 2023

ORF Radio Vorarlberg fundraising day brought in 269,713 euros

Vienna (OTS) To kick off this year’s ORF initiative LIGHT INTO THE DARK, ORF Vorarlberg initiated its own donation day at ORF Radio Vorarlberg. For a donation of at least ten euros, listeners could request their favorite hits on November 30th from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., thus raising a donation of 269,713 euros within one day. This year, the funds will go to the Mäder school home, among others. Here, children and young people with physical and severe multiple disabilities are supported in their development educationally, therapeutically and medically, entirely according to their individual needs.

Send for donations

A total of 758 listeners took part in ORF Radio Vorarlberg’s donation day via telephone, email and social media channels. The average donation amount among the population was around 96 euros, and numerous major donors from the Vorarlberg economy donated sums of 500 euros and more. The ORF Radio Vorarlberg team played 204 requested songs within 17 hours.

Markus Klement, regional director of ORF Vorarlberg: “It is very touching that so many donations were received for LICHT INS DUNKEL again this year. It shows the strong solidarity of the people of Vorarlberg. I would like to thank all donors and the entire ORF Vorarlberg team very much for this shared success for the good cause!”

Angelika Simma-Wallinger, Central Editor-in-Chief ORF Vorarlberg:
“For us in the team, donation day is always the first Christmas present! We can make the cohesion that exists in Vorarlberg audible for a whole day. Thank you to everyone who requested music and donated.”

Stefan Höfel, project manager LIGHT IN THE DARK ORF Vorarlberg: “Every year the LIGHT IN THE DARK donation day brings a very special atmosphere to the listeners. Many colleagues are also working very intensively at the ORF-Landesfunkhaus Vorarlberg. Thank you for the generous donations, which will provide important help to people in Vorarlberg who need support.”

Support continues

On December 24th, Ulli von Delft will host the LIGHT IN THE DARK special program on ORF Radio Vorarlberg from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – with people who support LIGHT IN THE DARK every year, touching Christmas stories and brilliant music. LIGHT IN THE DARK is also present on TV: On December 23rd between 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. the first checks from major local donors will be presented on ORF 2 V. “Vorarlberg today” will then be dedicated to the topic LIGHT IN THE DARK. On Christmas Eve, ORF Vorarlberg will broadcast live from the ORF Landesfunkhaus Vorarlberg in Dornbirn (on ORF 2 V) from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to collect donations for LIGHT IN THE DUNKEL. Kerstin Polzer and David Breznik lead through the TV programs.

ORF Vorarlberg broadcasts for LICHT IN DUNKEL:

ORF Radio Vorarlberg:
December 24th: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., LIGHT INTO THE DARK special broadcast

Television (ORF 2 V):
December 23rd: 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m
December 24th: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m

Information at

ORF-Vorarlberg project “Schulheim Mäder” donation account

Raiffeisenlandesbank Vorarlberg
IBAN: AT62 3700 0000 0005 0500

The donation is tax deductible.

Questions & Contact:

Julia Feurstein
Press & Public Relations | Events
Vorarlberg State Directorate | DV
+43 5572 301-22558

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