“Orientation” special edition “Giving up as gain – Why people fast” on Ash Wednesday at 11:10 a.m. on ORF 2

“Guten Morgen Österreich”, “Religions of the World”, “FeierAbend” and “Studio 2” will also focus on the topic of fasting on February 14th

Vienna (OTS) The ORF religious magazine “Orientation” will show the special edition “Winning as Gain – Why People Fast” on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at 11:10 a.m. on ORF 2. The programs “Guten Morgen Österreich”, “Religions of the World”, “FeierAbend” and “Studio 2” also deal with the topic of fasting on Ash Wednesday:

Good morning Austria: Proper fasting (6.30 a.m.)

Lent begins in Christianity from Ash Wednesday. In almost all regions of the world, fasting is an integral part of the annual cycle – and with good reason. Fasting is intended for physical and mental purification. The Pension Engel in Hittisau in Vorarlberg specializes in therapeutic fasting. Inés Mäser gets tips on proper fasting.

“Orientation” special: “Giving up as gain – Why people fast” (11:10 a.m.)

With Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the pre-Easter Lent, devout Christians practice abstinence for 40 days. Traditionally this means avoiding meat and alcohol and eating less overall. Conscious abstinence is now also very popular outside of Lent, and not just among religious people. For some, doing without has become a way of life, driven by different motives, but also by the experience that doing without can mean gain. As a teenager, nun Maria Teresita, for example, only wanted to be slim and beautiful through fasting and now lives in a completely secluded retreat in Carmel in Mayerling. Lisa Pfleger lives in southern Burgenland as a self-catering home on just 14 square meters – without running water or amenities, in order to take a stand against the consumer frenzy. Nadina Ruedl wanted to convince her vegan boyfriend to stop eating meat and now eats exclusively vegan herself. As a Catholic pastoral advisor, Monika Schöner tries to look after several parishes in Styria and largely avoids using the car through “car fasting” – not an easy undertaking after leaving a rapid transit station. The film by Marcus Marschalek tells us that fasting can always fail due to internal and external resistance, but is experienced above all as a gain and enrichment.

Religions of the world: “What can be on the table? – Lenten foods in the religions” (12.05 p.m.)

People from different religions – Christianity, Islam and Hindu traditions – explain what they can eat during their own fasting times and what special foods are cooked and eaten during these times. They take the TV audience into the kitchen, show the steps necessary to prepare the dishes and provide insight into the spiritual background of fasting.

Celebration evening: “Fasting – a path to self” (4.45 p.m.)

Inge Daberer is a herbal expert and certified “alkaline fasting trainer” and her sister Sissy Sonnleitner is a certified chef. Both share a love of cooking and the Christian Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday, is of great importance to both. “Fasting teaches you slow and mindful enjoyment again at a time when everything always has to be available immediately,” Inge Daberer is convinced. And for Sissy Sonnleitner, during a time of crisis, a week of fasting with the Salvatorians in Gurk became crucial for inner change: “Since then, I have experienced again that only self-love makes change possible and that self-worth is not dependent on recognition from outside.”

Studio 2: Pharmacist and fasting expert Claudia Dungl-Hochleitner as a guest in the studio (5.30 p.m.)

Pharmacist and fasting expert Claudia Dungl-Hochleitner explains live in the studio what needs to be taken into account when fasting.

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