ORF Vorarlberg has 50,000 followers on Instagram

Young community: 70 percent of Insta followers are younger than 35

Vienna (OTS) Around three years ago, ORF Vorarlberg professionalized its social media presence on Instagram (orfvorarlberg) and Facebook (ORF Vorarlberg). Since then, the number of followers on Instagram has increased enormously: while there were just 2,000 in 2021, 50,000 users now follow the ORF Vorarlberg account. The infotainment concept is particularly well received by young people: around 70 percent of ORF Vorarlberg Insta followers are younger than 35 years old.

Balance of news and entertainment

It is the balanced mix of information and entertainment that is so popular with the social media community. On the one hand, followers receive the most important information from Vorarlberg, and on the other hand, state-specific topics are presented in a humorous way. In addition, discussions and participation in finding topics are regularly encouraged. With its 50,000 Instagram followers, ORF Vorarlberg has now reached a new benchmark and is one of the front runners with regional information in this segment in the state.

Top social media reach

The Facebook page “ORF Vorarlberg” and the Instagram account “orfvorarlberg” together currently have over 86,000 followers and will reach around 156,000 people per day with their editorial content in 2023. The ORF Vorarlberg social media community is young: the average age of the 50,000 followers on Instagram is 32 years. ORF Vorarlberg’s Insta posts received over 2.6 million likes in 2023 and 58,000 comments were posted. And a single video on “orfvorarlberg” even reached around 3.3 million people and received more than 80,000 likes.

Markus Klement, regional director of ORF Vorarlberg: “With our Instagram presence, we prove that we can reach a young target group with our media offering: around 70 percent of our 50,000 Insta followers are younger than 35 years old. The ORF Vorarlberg team is very happy about such a positive response. We say a big thank you to our community!”

Angelika Simma-Wallinger, editor-in-chief of ORF Vorarlberg: “Young people mainly get their information from online networks. That’s why it’s important that you can find well-researched content with the ORF quality seal. We are countering the fakes and hate content and are pleased that it is so well received!”

Questions & Contact:

ORF Vorarlberg
Julia Feurstein
Press, public relations & events
(5572) 301-22558

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