ORF TV focus on International Women’s Day starts on March 3rd

With documentary premieres, current reports and magazine articles as well as feature films on ORF 1, ORF 2, ORF III and 3sat

Vienna (OTS) Strong female personalities are the focus of an extensive ORF TV program focus on International Women’s Day on March 8, 2024: From Sunday, March 3, 2024, this will present numerous documentary premieres, current reports and magazine articles as well as film productions on ORF 1, ORF 2, ORF III and 3sat:

The new “Experience Austria” edition “Workplace Nature – Three Strong Tyrolean Women” kicks off on ORF 2 (March 3, 4:30 p.m.). The ORF TV culture on ORF 2 is organizing a “Women’s Month of March” with numerous portraits of extraordinary female personalities and topic-related documentaries (from March 3rd) as well as a “kulturMontag” special issue (March 4th, 10:30 p.m.) about women who have written music history but have been forgotten or have not had the importance and attention they deserved during their lifetime. The subsequent documentary “Images of Women – Counter Images: The Artists of Viennese Modernism” (11:15 p.m.) also puts largely forgotten representatives of this art era in the spotlight. The “matinee” (March 3, from 9:05 a.m.) features the productions “Places of Childhood – Erika Pluhar” on the artist’s 85th birthday, “Elizabeth Toni Spira – I’m not important” (9:35 a.m.) on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of her death Documentarian and “Icons of Austria – The Crystal Ball of Annemarie Moser-Pröll” (10:20 a.m.) can be seen. “dokFilm” shows the ORF premiere of the documentary “Sex.Power.Manipulation – The Male Gaze in Film” (11:05 p.m.), which uses the imagery of around 70 films to make it clear that demonstrations of power and the sexualization of women are common in films are there. “Thema” (March 4, 9:10 p.m.) features, among other things, a detailed portrait of Andrea Brem, who has been committed to women’s rights and protecting women from violence for 42 years, and has actress and painter Sharon Stone for an exclusive interview in her studio Visited LA.

On March 5th, the “Universum History” premiere of Stefan Ludwig’s film “Uprising in the Brothel – Trafficking in Women Around 1900” (9:05 p.m.), based on the original trial files of the Riehl scandal involving a posh Viennese brothel, will shed a sharp light on the depths of the global Fin de Siècle prostitution business, spanning from Vienna to Hamburg to Buenos Aires. In the reenactments, Maria Hofstätter can be seen in the main role of brothel owner Regine Riehl. This is followed by Rosa Lyon’s new “criss-cross” documentary about “The Courageous Women of Karachi” (10.35 p.m.) and – also in “criss-cross” – the award-winning documentary “The Girls’ House” (11.05 p.m.) about the fight against child marriage in India. Michael Sturminger’s comedy “The Presumption of Innocence” (March 6, 8:15 p.m.) takes us behind the scenes of opera operations and right into the heated atmosphere of the Salzburg Festival carousel, when Ulrich Tukur, as a famous conductor, has to reckon with MeToo accusations. There are still countries in Europe where women are not allowed to terminate an unwanted pregnancy or where access to it is increasingly restricted. The current “WELTjournal” report “Women’s Rights – My Body, My Decision” (10:30 p.m.) shows examples from Poland, Malta and Italy where private associations and courageous doctors help women in need and take a high risk in the process. At 11:35 p.m. on ORF 2 everything revolves around the philosopher, poet and psychoanalyst “Lou Andreas-Salomé”, embodied by Katharina Lorenz in the biopic of the same name.

On International Women’s Day (8 March), Mari Lang, Eva Spreitzhofer, Manuel Rubey and Isabell Pannagl, among others, will discuss the topic “The world is becoming female” at “Barbara Karlich – Talk at 4” (4 p.m.). Under the title “Men’s thing. “What about women’s rights?” the ORF correspondent magazine “WeltWeit” (9:20 p.m.) takes a look at those countries that are usually only mentioned in connection with the violation of women’s rights. Katharina Wagner, Cornelia Primosch and Isabella Purkart report from Iran, Tunisia and Colombia. The most famous “MeToo” crime in the baroque art world is documented in the film “Me Too in the Baroque – The Case of Artemisia” (10:25 p.m.), which “Universum History” is showing as its German-language premiere: The 18-year-old painter Artemisia Gentileschi is portrayed by Agostino Tasso , a well-known artist colleague of her father, raped. The father reports him, Artemisia goes through the trial despite degrading treatment and testifying under torture – and she wins. In the two-parter “Alice” (from 11:20 p.m.) the focus is on the journalist and well-known feminist Alice Schwarzer – the life path of the founder of the women’s magazine EMMA was by no means predetermined, as the ARD/ORF two-parter with Nina Gummich in the leading role shows.

Topic-related contributions in “Guten Morgen Österreich” (March 8, 6:30 a.m.), “Studio 2” (March 8, 5:30 p.m.), “Religions of the World: Between Tradition and Emancipation – The Kalasha Women in the Hindu Kush” (9. March, 4:55 p.m.) as well as “Orientation: Mexico – A country between the cult of the Virgin Mary and femicide” (March 10, 12:30 p.m.) and “What I believe:
What about women’s solidarity?” (4:55 p.m.) complement the ORF 2 program for International Women’s Day. Another “dokFilm” premiere presents the film “She Chef” (March 10, 11:20 p.m.), co-financed by the ORF as part of the film/television agreement, about the years of apprenticeship and travel of Agnes Karrasch, the world cooking champion of the 2019 youth national team, through three of the most renowned restaurants in the world of top gastronomy. Additional film portraits of outstanding women in March include: “Hollywood’s Dream Dancer – Ginger Rogers” (March 10, 10 a.m.), “Lee Miller – Supermodel and War Photographer” (March 17, 11:05 p.m.) and “Splendor and Misery: Marilyn Monroe & Elizabeth Taylor” (March 24, 11:05 p.m.).

The new documentary “Women of Science” on ORF 1 is dedicated to pioneering women in research (March 6, 10:10 p.m.). International Women’s Day is also a topic in the “ZIB Magazine” (March 4th to 8th, 8:00 p.m.) and in “What’s New?” (March 8th, 10:25 p.m.).

ORF III’s program on March 8th is all about International Women’s Day – with a total of seven portraits of important Austrian women from art, culture and politics (from 1:25 p.m.), as well as “Strong Voices, Strong Women – The Show for International Women’s Day” (live -time-shifted at 10:40 p.m.), framed by three editions of the Spira cult series “Everyday History” (“Im Versatzamt”, “Niederhofstraße – Untermeidling” and “Rast an der Autobahn” at 8:15 p.m., 9:00 p.m. and 9:50 p.m.) as well as the portrait of Documentarian “Elizabeth Toni Spira – I’m not important” (12:45 a.m.).

On March 12th, 3sat will show, among other things, the documentaries “The Unyielding – Three Women and their Path to the Right to Vote” by Beate Thalberg and “Amazons – The Defensive Women”.

The ORF.at network is dedicated to International Women’s Day as part of its current reporting, including a multimedia story from ORF Topos. Live streams of the TV focus programs are provided via ORF-TVthek, videos on demand are available on ORF ON and in the ORF-TVthek app as part of a separate lane (if the corresponding online license rights are available). ORF TELETEXT also provides up-to-date information.

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