ORF “press hour” with Wolfgang Sobotka, President of the National Council, ÖVP

On June 30th at 11:05 a.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON

Vienna (OTS) “I will always be a political person,” says Wolfgang Sobotka, First President of the National Council, ÖVP. However, he is withdrawing from active politics – he no longer wants to run for office in the National Council elections in the fall. He is used to criticism of himself, but he doesn’t skimp on criticism either:
Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler should never have agreed to the renaturation law and FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl is not a government partner for the ÖVP. How does Wolfgang Sobotka deal with being the politician with the lowest trust ratings? How realistic does he assess the chances that the ÖVP will be chancellor again and what is the balance of his own political career?

Ask the questions in the “press hour” on Sunday, June 30, 2024, at 11:05 a.m. on ORF 2 and on ORF ON:

Andreas Koller
“Salzburger Nachrichten”


Claudia Dannhauser

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