ORF is re-advertising scientific election support

Transparent procurement procedures will begin at the beginning of 2024

Vienna (OTS) After the end of the collaboration with the Institute for Social Research and Consulting SORA, the ORF is now taking the next step to reorganize its election reporting. The scientific and analytical election day research, which is the basis for the ORF projections,
– Voter flow analyses, election day surveys and analyzes will be put out to public tender and the award process will start in the first quarter of 2024.

ORF General Director Mag. Roland Weißmann: “After ending the collaboration with SORA, we announced a transparent award process. We are now following up on this announcement with action and are putting the provision of these very sensitive services, which are relevant to millions of people in Austria, out to public tender. The aim is to further expand ORF’s leading position in election reporting in terms of trust, precision, quality and timeliness.”

The services to be provided include for state elections as well as for national and EU elections and in any case extrapolation including voting card forecast (or alternatively:
Trend forecasting, voter flow analysis and election day surveys. Since there will be several elections in 2024 (European, National Council and state elections), the awards will be made in free competition until the best bidder/contractor is found.

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