ORF-III-“Zur SACHE” on April 12th on the topic “Summer in April”

Reiner Reitsamer discusses with climate protection experts, among others

Vienna (OTS) Summer in April: is this normal? These and other questions about current climate developments will be addressed in a new edition of the ORF III discussion format “zur SACHE” on Friday, April 12, 2024, at 8:15 p.m. Reiner Reitsamer welcomes Anja Windl (climate activist), Reinhard Steurer (Professor of Climate Policy, BOKU Vienna), Alexander Orlik (climatologist GeoSphere Austria) and Rosemarie Schwaiger (columnist “Die Presse”).

Last Sunday, April 7th, 30 degrees were measured in Austria for the first time this year, the earliest since records began. In addition, 2023 was already the warmest year in the history of measurements. While some are happy about the extraordinarily warm spring days after an already mild winter, climate activists are taking to the barricades: Just last weekend, for example, there were protests at the Graz Marathon. Switzerland was condemned this week by the European Court of Human Rights for its lack of climate protection. Will there be more climate lawsuits in this country in the future? How late is Austria actually and can the required measures even be implemented?

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