ORF III talk “To the point” on February 9th about “Euphoria for Monarchy”

Wolfgang Geier welcomes experts from politics, history and society

Vienna (OTS) “What does the cult of the crowns tell us?” – this question is addressed by “Zur Sache” (8:15 p.m.) on Friday, February 9, 2024, at 8:15 p.m. on ORF III, moderated by Wolfgang Geier.

On the occasion of the cancer of the British King Charles III. People from all over the world – including the US President – are sending well wishes to Great Britain. At the same time, around a billion people around the world watched the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on television, while half the population of Great Britain sat in front of their screens. This enormous attention also extends to royal weddings, which regularly attract a wide audience. Even in countries like Austria, which abolished the monarchy and exiled the Habsburgs after World War I, royal events achieve remarkable TV ratings.

What exactly fascinates so many people about monarchs? Is the royals’ lives simply a form of entertainment, much like a reality show, or does it represent something more – an anchor in turbulent times? Wolfgang Geier discusses these and other questions on the day after Austria’s society event of the year, the Vienna Opera Ball, with Doron Rabinovici (writer, historian and spokesman for the Republican Club), Peter Stolberg (member of the citizens’ movement “Monarchists”), and Melanie Sully (political scientist ) and Lisbeth Bischoff (journalist and nobility expert).

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