Opportunities, risks and the consequences for brands and influencers

Opportunities, risks and the consequences for brands and influencers

Austria (ots) –

Companies and creators rely on reliable digital environments. Meta justifies the step with the promotion of political content, but the loosened guidelines raise questions about brand security. Political creators could benefit while companies bear the risk of being associated with controversy content. These changes mark a turning point for the industry.

Katy Link, Head of Brand bei Kolsquare explained In conversation with media manager editor Otto Kolleras the political content creator benefit from Meta’s new strategy, since their content – including accounts, to which users do not follow – are stronger. This significantly increases the range for political issues. For brands, on the other hand, the risk of being unintentionally associated with controversy content. Influencer markers must therefore check more precisely whether the values ​​and social media history from Creator: Interior to the brand fit.

In addition, the growing variety of rule between platforms such as Meta, X and YouTube makes a uniform strategy. Companies must individually adjust campaigns, which increases the effort and complexity of strategic planning.

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