Online press conference: Council of Europe identifies gaps in protection from violence for women in Austria

Online press conference: Council of Europe identifies gaps in protection from violence for women in Austria
Vienna (OTS) –

On September 10, 2024, GREVIO, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts, held its Evaluation report on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Austria published. In it, the GREVIO experts note that, on the one hand, Austria has introduced important measures in the area of ​​protection against violence, but on the other hand they also point out serious gaps. These include, for example, the high number of femicides in Austria compared to international standards, the lack of systematic training and further education for judges and prosecutors on the subject of gender-specific violence and the fact that childcare facilities and schools must, without exception, be informed about a ban on entry and approach .

On this occasion, the alliance invites violenceFREI live, under the coordination of the AÖF – Association of Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters and the Network of Austrian Advice Centers for Women and Girls (FMBS). Online press conference a.

Time: Monday, September 16, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m
Ort: online via Zoom

Access data:


Meeting-ID: 876 9818 2977

Identification code: 675452


Moderation: Jenny-Kerstin BauerMA, deputy Management of the Network of Austrian Advice Centers for Women and Girls (FMBS)

Organization and technical support: Mag.a Eva Maria Zenzpress and public relations, AÖF – Association of Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters

The Alliance ViolenceFREI live live demands the future government and the relevant government agencies on, to implement the recommendations of the GREVIO Committee promptly. These include, among others, a uniform legal definition of gender-based violence according to the Istanbul Convention, a sustainable action plan and strategy to combat all forms of violence against women and children according to the Istanbul Convention, and the provision of adequate financial resources for all strategies and measures against gender-based violence Violence and support facilities, as well as prevention and access to violence protection facilities and justice for all women.

About the alliance violenceFREI life

The Alliance ViolenceFREI Leben is an association of Austrian victim protection organizations, civil society organizations and private individuals. The members jointly wrote the NGO shadow report on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in 2016. Since then, the alliance has used violenceFREI are committed to ensuring that the requirements of the Istanbul Convention against violence against women and domestic violence are adhered to and that the GREVIO recommendations are actually implemented in Austria.

Online press conference of the Alliance for Living Violence-FREE

On the occasion of the publication of the GREVIO evaluation report for Austria, the Violence-FREE Living Alliance invites you to an online press conference.

Datum: September 16, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – September 16, 2024, 11:00 a.m

Art: Pressetermine

Ort: online via Zoom



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