The Austrian Canine Association (ÖKV) and the Ministry of the Interior (BMI) renewed their security partnership in order to combat the illegal puppy trade more effectively. The cooperation within the framework of “TOGETHER.SAFE with our police” relies on increased education, targeted prevention and the exchange of information. The aim is to reduce animal suffering and make the population aware of the risks of illegal sources.
Karner: Be careful with questionable dealers
Interior Minister Gerhard Karner warned of the consequences of the illegal puppy trade: “The seemingly cheap purchase of puppies hides enormous animal suffering. Many animals come from Eastern European breeding factories in which mother animals are kept under catastrophic conditions. The puppies are separated from their mothers far too early, without veterinary examinations, vaccinations or chips, and then brought illegally to Austria.”
Karner pointed out that the trade not only constitutes animal cruelty, but also criminal offenses such as fraud and forgery: “Buyers often pay in advance and do not receive a dog or sick animals, which results in high veterinary costs.” His appeal: “Buy Dogs only from reputable breeders and report any suspicious activity immediately to the police on 133.”
Ita: Reputable dog breeding is key
Philipp Ita, President of the ÖKV, underlined the importance of responsible dog breeding: “The apparently cheap dog from dubious sources often has a high price – in terms of health and emotions. Many of these animals suffer from chronic diseases that could be avoided with serious breeding.” He explained that the ÖKV, as an umbrella organization of around 100 dog associations, is the first point of contact for advice on the subject of buying dogs: “Reputable breeding centers pay attention to the well-being of the mother animals and puppies. Buyers should consciously choose verified sources to weaken illegal trade.”
Together against illegal puppy trade
Alexander Homola, federal coordinator of “GEMEINSAM.SICHER”, emphasized the role of education: “We can only curb illegal trade through the awareness of the population and their help. Suspicious observations must be reported immediately.”
Karner and Ita call for a social rethink: “Freedom and prosperity for animals start with demand. Anyone who consciously buys from reputable breeders supports animal protection and prevents animal suffering.” The ÖKV has been committed to reputable breeding, keeping and training of dogs since 1909. Together with the BMI, the association focuses on prevention, education and a strong network to sustainably combat illegal trade.
Federal Ministry of the Interior
Ministerialrat Markus Haindl, BA MA
Press spokesman for the Federal Minister
Telephone: +43 (0) 1-531 26 – 90 1021