Oh you merry Christmas time? Holidays increase feelings of loneliness in older people

Anyone who feels lonely experiences emotional celebrations like Christmas as particularly challenging. The aid organization provides information about offers and gives tips on dealing with loneliness.

It may be challenging to break out of your own isolation and loneliness and socialize – be it because of shame or fear of rejection. But finding out about and taking advantage of opportunities to talk, celebrate together or do activities can bring great relief and also the realization: I’m not alone.

Sabine Maunz, nursing expert at the Austrian Relief Organization

Vienna (OTS) In the (pre-)Christmas season it sometimes hurts even more: the feeling of loneliness, for example after the loss of a loved one, after a separation, when children and family live far away. Or if there is a general lack of people with whom you can talk about worries, fears, but also the joys of everyday life.

“Being alone or living alone does not automatically mean being ‘lonely’. “You can also live very well alone without feeling lonely,” emphasizes Christa Brach, Psychotherapist and part of the advisory team at the Austrian Relief Organization. “Loneliness, on the other hand, is experienced as painful, often as an ‘inner emptiness’. Does it take time? Feeling of loneliness over a longer period of time, it can also impact on health – psychologically and physically.” Loneliness can increase the risk of depression, anxiety disorders, dementia, heart attack, stroke or cancer.

Actively deal with expectations and excessive demands around Christmas

Before and around Christmas, when the desire for peace, harmony and family togetherness seems omnipresent, the issue of loneliness can be even more prevalent. Older, lonely people in particular experience the loss of time Christmas and the New Year as particularly stressful.

“Christmas is very emotionally overloaded and gives us expectations that we can hardly escape,” says Christa Brach. She advises that own feelings seriously to take and not to belittle it. “If I consciously deal with my loneliness, I may also realize what I can actively do about it.”

Also Sabine Maunz, Nursing expert at the Austrian relief organizationencourages you to take action: “Although it may be challenging, to break out of your own isolation and loneliness and to socialize – whether because of shame or fear of rejection. But over Offers to talk, celebrate together or activities Finding information and using it can be great Relief and also bring the realization: I am not alone.” Telefonhotlines or regional social organizations are important contact points for this, says Maunz.

Dealing with loneliness: tips and offers for challenging days

On certain days, the feeling of loneliness can increase to the point of being overwhelmed. These include, for example, anniversaries or birthdays, but also holidays such as Christmas or the turn of the year. Below practical tips and a Overview of helpful offers:

1. Make plans
challenging, event-related days consciously in advance and think about how you can best structure it for yourself: with one Visit to the theater or museumone Stroll, a visit to neighbors or participating in one Event (see 3.). Also Phone calls with relatives or acquaintances, or maybe even one Video call bring closeness and familiarity. “If you want to spend the day like any other day, that’s of course just as right!” emphasizes psychotherapist Christa Brach.

2. Do something good for yourself
Wer special days She can still like spending Christmas alone celebrate – without putting pressure on yourself. Consider it: What good could I do for myself today? Make the living space comfortable for yourself, treat yourself to something special to eat, listen to your favorite music or pay special attention to body care, for example with a scented bubble bath or a facial mask. “On days that are more emotionally challenging, keep telling yourself: It’s all about today. It will pass,” said Brach.

3. Take advantage of offers
For people who feel lonely, there are numerous opportunities for exchange and networking throughout the year. On the one hand, these include Advice hotlines such as the relief organization service hotline (0800 800 820), the relief organization hotline for caring relatives (0800 640 660) or the relief organization hotline for parents and carers (0800 640 680). If you would like to spend more time in company and make new contacts, you will find many regional offers: for example joint venturesfor meetings in Day centers or Seniorencafes to chat, sing or play cards (www.hilfswerk.atoffers in many federal states), for walking together (e.g. Walking against loneliness in the Carinthia relief organization) or for hobby groups on a wide variety of topics (e.g. Neighborhood meeting point for the Salzburg relief organization). Also volunteers Visiting servicessuch as from Relief organization Lower Austria, regularly bring company and variety into your own four walls. During Advent and Christmas, many aid organizations and neighborhood organizations invite you to come celebrate together (z. B.
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Questions & Contact:

Relief organization Austria, federal office
Stomach. Barbara Tober
+43 1 4057500-222, Mobil: +43 676 8787 60207

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