ÖH expands mental health offerings | UH

ÖH expands mental health offerings |  UH

ÖH Helpline offers access to free psychological advice and affordable psychotherapy

Vienna (OTS) The number of mental illnesses among students is increasing and yet many feel left alone. A big problem here is the poor accessibility to psychological advice or therapy: checkout places are associated with long waiting times and private psychotherapy is not affordable for many students. To counteract this, the Austrian Student Union has been offering the ÖH Helpline together with the Association for Psychotherapy since 2012. “The ÖH helpline offers low-threshold access to psychological advice and therapy. Rising rates of mental illness among young people show us that this is needed more than ever!”says Christian Hajek from the Association for Psychotherapy. In the Austrian Student Union, coordination lies in the Department for Social Policy.

The ÖH helpline is intended to reduce barriers to psychotherapy. “Through the ÖH helpline we create cost-effective access to psychotherapeutic services. Above all, the financial hurdles that are usually associated with psychotherapy are reduced here.”says Nina Mathies from the ÖH chair team. In addition, with the help of the ÖH helpline, students can gain access to information, advice and affordable psychotherapy places throughout Austria in just a few steps. “Access to psychotherapy is often associated with a lot of waiting and bureaucracy, and we want to counteract this with the ÖH helpline. In just a few steps, students gain access to the right offer.”adds Nina Mathies.

“As the Austrian Student Union, it is important to us to take care of the health of our students. Mental health is a basic requirement for successful studies and we want to create a wide range of options here.”, explains Sarah Rossmann from the ÖH chairmanship team. The ÖH Helpline acts both as a telephone hotline and as a contact point for consultations, where, among other things, available psychotherapy places can be quickly arranged. The ÖH and the Association for Psychotherapy have now expanded the offer even further. “From now on, the ÖH will cover all costs for students who take advantage of initial advice. In this way we are taking on a pioneering role.”, explains Sarah Rossmann. In addition, the locations for face-to-face advice were expanded. This is now offered in Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt and Innsbruck

“We are very pleased to have been able to build such a large network of therapists across Austria. We have now been able to create a psychological counseling center in almost all of Austria’s federal states!”says Simon Neuhold from the ÖH chairmanship team. Simon Neuhold further reports: “Reports from students who use the helpline show us that the offer is well received. But above all, they show how necessary it is.” Since the increase in November 2023, around 500 students have already started therapy, arranged through the ÖH helpline. Across Austria, the ÖH Helpline network currently includes 750 therapists and a total of 4,500 therapy places are available. “The number of therapy places is already very pleasing. Currently, up to 100 people per week could start psychotherapy. Nevertheless, the therapy places should be continually expanded.”adds Christian Hajek from the Association for Psychotherapy.

Questions & Contact:

ÖH – Austrian Student Union
Selina Wienerroither
Press spokesperson
+43 676 88 85 22 11


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