OCG Funding Prize 2024: Finding the optimal seating arrangement using algorithms

Esra Ceylan, TU Vienna, wins prize for outstanding computer science master’s thesis

Vienna (OTS) Anyone planning a wedding knows that finding the optimal seating arrangement for the guests is an almost insoluble problem. This is also confirmed by theoretical computer science. TU Vienna student Esra Ceylan won the OCG Sponsorship Prize 2024 for her excellent master’s thesis on the topic of Optimal Seat Arrangement (OSA). Her work on structures, algorithms and complexity was supervised by Jiehua Chen from the Algorithms and Complexity Group at TU Vienna.

Esra Ceylan prevailed against 26 excellent computer science master’s theses. My thanks go to the members of the jury who voluntarily invest their valuable time in this difficult selection process in order to support young scientists in the field of computer science“, says OCG President Wilfried Seyruck happily.

The work is characterized by scientific depth. Ceylan demonstrates excellent knowledge in the field of theoretical computer science and knows how to convey her findings in a very structured and understandable way“, jury chairwoman Gabriele Kotsis (JKU Linz) explains the decision.

Complex, insoluble problems

Given the wide applicability of optimal seating arrangement (OSA) in various areas, from optimal team formation to drone sensor networks, it is important to understand the complexity of the solution algorithms. The goal of Ceylan’s work was to investigate the true cause of the so-called NP-hardness (computability) of OSA problems. Certain classes of (OSA modeling) graphs, different preference structures, and problem-specific parameters were considered. In her master’s thesis, Esra Ceylan was able to identify interesting restricted cases that enable the formulation of efficient algorithms.

Ceylan wrote her thesis as part of her master’s degree in Logic and Computation. “Computational social choice is a very exciting area because it allows the existence of efficient algorithms for problems that we encounter in everyday life to be analyzed“explains the 28-year-old. The Lower Austrian has currently moved to Germany for work to work in consulting for the company d-fine.

The award ceremony will take place on June 14, 2024 as part of the Austrian Computer Science Day at the University of Vienna.

OCG funding award for young IT talent

The OCG sponsorship award is advertised annually for diploma or master’s theses in the field of computer science and its applications that have been completed in Austria and with a very good grade and is endowed with 2,000 euros. The jury is made up of nine professors from different Austrian universities. The aim is to promote young scientists.

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Computer Society (OCG)
Irina Scheitz

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