OCG Business Breakfast NIS-2: Companies must act now

Helping tackle major cybersecurity challenges

Vienna (OTS) The Austrian Computer Society (OCG) invites you in cooperation Crypts and Sophos on April 8, 2024 in the OCG premises in the 1st district of Vienna Business Breakfast NIS-2 a. The aim is to shed light on the focal points and legal aspects of the EU Cybersecurity Directive as well as to present specific industry problems and best practice examples for implementation. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner announced today, April 3rd, at lunchtime in the press foyer that the NIS-2 draft law is now going into a 4-week review. A representative of the Federal Chancellery will report on the latest status at the business breakfast.

The number of those affected is increasing massively

“Time is running out. After the NISG, the OCG as an auditing body has seen that many affected facilities are overwhelmed and do not know how they can prepare sensibly. This won’t be any easier with NIS-2. The event is intended to encourage everyone affected and show them ways to overcome the requirements.”explains Wolfgang Resch, testing and certification body at OCG.

In general, all those affected by NIS-1 will also be affected by NIS-2. In the future, however, a distinction will be made between essential facilities and important facilities. As new industries and areas are added and the threshold values ​​in the areas affected by NIS 1 are generally replaced by SME limits, the number of affected institutions increases massively.

Management Penalties and Liability

“Fear is a bad advisor – but sometimes it helps to raise awareness of impending cyber attacks and subsequently take important measures to increase IT security. It’s high time to take action!”said Wolfgang Resch.

Liability and training obligations of top management as well as the sharply increased maximum penalties for the institutions will be an additional lever to help the new directive to be implemented quickly and appropriately. It is therefore essential for companies to inform themselves in good time and take action.

Cybersecurity Policy

The EU’s European Cybersecurity Strategy was developed to achieve a higher level of security for network and information systems across the EU. With its cybersecurity directive NIS-2, which will come into force at the end of 2022, the EU expects more resilience for the entire infrastructure as a basis for the functioning of the EU internal market. The national implementation deadline ends on October 18, 2024, then an amendment to the Austrian NISG and the accompanying regulations must come into force.

NIS-2 Business Breakfast

At the NIS-2 Business Breakfast you will find out the latest news and developments first hand. Experts from the industry will inform you about legal aspects such as liability and compensation and show you ways to overcome the challenges of NIS-2. After the keynote speeches and the panel discussion, you will have the opportunity to have a personal conversation with important players in the security industry. A representative of the Federal Chancellery will report on the latest status.

If: 8. April 2024

Wo: Austrian Computer Society, Wollzeile 1, 1010 Vienna

Registration (Participation is free but places are limited.)

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Computer Society (OCG)
Wolfgang Resch
+43 1 512 02 35-13

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