Traffic traffic to or from the ski areas led Saturday morning, February 8, to the expected traffic jams, especially in Western Austria. According to the ÖAMTC, the focus was on Tyrol, Salzburg and in the Styrian Ennstal. Car travelers in Salzburg on the Tauern Autobahn (A1) had to be patient in front of the construction site between Golling and throw in both directions up to an hour.
ZTl.: Tyrol stalemakers
A12, Inntal Autobahn, towards Germany, from Kirchbichl
B179, Fernpassstraße, towards Germany, between Nassereith and the Fernpass and between Heitenwang and Reutte
B180, Reschenstraße, towards A12, between Tösens and Prutz
B186, Ötztalstrasse, towards A12, from Köfels
B169, Zillertalstrasse, from Ried im Zillertal to the A12
B177, Seefelder Straße, towards Bavaria, section between Zirl and Gießen
B173, Eibergstraße, sections in the entire course towards Kufstein
Zwtl.: Salzburg stem corners
A10, Tauern Autobahn, in both directions, between Golling and throwing
B311, Pinzgauer Straße, towards St. Johann, section between Klamm and St. Johann
B159, Salzachtalstrasse, north, between Bischofshofen and Golling
Zwtl.: Ennstal staustrious corner
On Ennstalstrasse (B320) in Styria, the columns towards Liezen between Schladming and Pruggern and from Weißenbach stood still, according to ÖAMTC. The ClubExpert: Inside, a calming only predicted from the afternoon.