ÖÄK: Create framework conditions to shorten waiting times

ÖÄK: Create framework conditions to shorten waiting times

If politicians improve the framework conditions for statutory health insurance practices, the care situation will also improve, emphasizes the Austrian Medical Association.

Vienna (OTS) The proposals presented today by SPÖ leader Andreas Babler for quicker appointments for patients would not solve the core problem, emphasizes Johannes Steinhart, President of the Austrian Medical Association: “The long waiting times for patients have their origin in the challenges have been ignored in the health system for years, or have been exacerbated by the adoption of cost containment paths,” he says. Security of supply is a major concern for the Medical Association; it has already made numerous suggestions for improvements and is always ready to contribute its expertise.

Filling statutory health insurance doctor positions is the top priority

“It is in the interests of doctors to keep waiting times for patients as short as possible,” emphasizes Edgar Wutscher, Vice President of the Austrian Medical Association and Chairman of the Federal Curia for resident doctors. The contract situation for statutory health insurance physicians must be improved and everything must be done to eliminate the shortage of statutory health insurance physicians. “Filling the open statutory health insurance doctor positions should be priority number one,” emphasizes Wutscher. There are already enough suggestions for solutions from the medical association. If the requirements for statutory health insurance practices were met, then enough doctors would be happy to be available in public care: “The focus must be here, and not on considerations of obligations for elective doctors,” says Wutscher.

Structured approach to the core problems

“The basic problems in health care must be addressed in a much more sustainable manner,” adds Harald Mayer, Vice President of the Austrian Medical Association and Chairman of the Federal Curia for employed doctors. The structural problems must be dealt with objectively and, for example, a clear and binding patient management system must be defined that has the necessary resources and can also be implemented in practice: “Hospitals cannot serve as a substitute for long waiting times in ordinations; the basic problem here must be namely the shortage of statutory health insurance doctors, must be addressed,” he emphasizes. The already full hospitals have other tasks to devote to.

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Austrian Medical Association
Mag. Sascha Bunda
public relation
+ 43 1 514 06-3341

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