No squirrel hunting.  Then why on jays?

In Austria, thousands of jays are shot every year for no reason, but squirrels are not – once again the total arbitrariness of the state’s hunting law is shown

Vienna (OTS) In the years 2019-2021, a total of more than 20,000 jays were killed by hunting in Austria. (1) Since the species is protected for good reason, this is done with unlawful exceptions. In the state of Salzburg, the BHs’ decisions to kill jays were overturned by the courts because they were unfounded. In order to undermine the rule of law, LR Svazek has now presented a regulation that is beyond the control of the state administrative courts.

Although squirrels feed primarily on tree seeds and invertebrates, they also prey on bird eggs and young birds. Nevertheless, squirrels are not hunted – in contrast to their namesake in the bird world, the jay. It also feeds primarily on tree seeds, creates food hiding places and, as a helper in forestry, makes a significant contribution to forest rejuvenation. Nevertheless, in several federal states it is hunted mercilessly with guns and traps.

Why? The official – unsubstantiated – reason is: Prevention of (minor) damage to agricultural crops (especially fodder corn) and protection of the fauna (like squirrels, jays also occasionally capture bird eggs and young birds, according to their nature). In fact, it’s more about outdated competitive thinking on the part of hunters.

The jay is a protected species and therefore cannot be shot. However, the federal states of Lower Austria, Burgenland and Carinthia ignore this. In Salzburg, State Councilor Svazek has just presented a draft regulation on hunting various protected bird species, including the jay. Why a regulation? Because the BHs’ notices to hunt jays were overturned by the state administrative court as illegal following complaints from the Nature Conservation Association. Last year, no jays were shot in the state of Salzburg. The ability of environmental organizations to take legal action against illegal provisions is now to be undermined by a regulation. The Referendum for a federal hunting law is therefore calling for a rally against these shootings on Monday, March 4th at 9:30 a.m. in front of State Councilor Svazek’s office at Kaigasse 14!

The total arbitrariness and systematic illegality of the state’s hunting law really takes your breath away“, says Prof. Dr. Rudolf Winkelmayer, representative of the referendum for a federal hunting law. “Austria urgently needs a progressive federal hunting law that is based on ecology and animal protection.

(1) Reporting

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