New World of Work Initiative: First focus group report shows work incentives of the future

New World of Work Initiative: First focus group report shows work incentives of the future

Leitbetriebe Austria is presenting the first focus group report together with ISS Austria under the title “Is performance worth it?”

Vienna (OTS) Work offers more than just wages: it gives meaning, structure and identity, it enables participation and social interaction. As the importance of financial incentives in the world of work changes, companies are faced with new trends and challenges. The initiative’s first focus group report on the topic “Is performance worth it?” New world of work illuminates this dynamic landscape: Financial incentives remain central, but become less effective due to inflation and price increases. Non-financial incentives such as creating meaning, identity building and work-life balance are becoming increasingly important. While the complex dynamics offer new opportunities for employers, companies and their employees urgently need overdue adjustments to the legal framework – these are the central statements of the report presented today by Leitbetriebe Austria and ISS Austria.

With the initiative New world of work Leitbetriebe Austria, with scientific support from the WU Vienna, devotes itself to the diverse facets of work in focus groups on various topics, as well as the currently noticeable changes in jobs and working relationships. As a project partner from the very beginning, ISS Austria, the Austrian market leader and largest employer in the facility services sector, took on the lead of the focus group on the topic “Is performance worth it?” with employees from different levels and areas of the company. The clear aim of our initiative is to help shape current change and to proactively approach solutions and possibilitiessaid Monica Rintersbacher, Managing Director of Leitbetriebe Austria, on the occasion of the presentation of the report and added: “Our companies are model companies that often lack a political framework: new working models with a focus on success, performance and results must be the order of the day“. Erich Steinreiber, CEO ISS Austria, also emphasizes the empirical values ​​that clearly result from market and topic leadership and are additionally scientifically supported by the WU report: “The willingness to work extra work is definitely there: but it has to be both possible in terms of time and worthwhile.

Work offers meaning, structure, identity, participation and social interaction

Companies today are confronted with several trends and challenges that were highlighted in the report: While financial incentives remain central, their impact is diminished by inflation and price increases. Accompanied by non-financial incentives such as meaning and identity creation, structure and participation as well as social interaction, quality of life and work-life balance are moving more into focus. The shift in work incentives presents employers and employees with new hurdles. Aspects such as night work, irregular hours and long commute times affect the desired work-life balance. At the same time, flexibility remains an essential component. In addition, the image of the profession and identification with the employer are becoming increasingly important. Social benefits increasingly set a lower limit for financial incentives and increasing tax burdens and negative media images are described as complicating factors in employee retention and motivation.

Shaping change in incentive systems

However, the complex dynamic of financial and non-financial incentives that shapes and defines work motivation not only presents challenges but also new opportunities for employers. The shift away from purely monetary incentives opens up the potential for companies to differentiate themselves in the labor market. In addition to the financial aspect, employees also define their workplace as a place of self-definition and finding meaning. Personal development opportunities, such as opportunities for advancement and learning new skills, are valued, as are performance-related bonuses and stability. The variety and variety of work as well as the social environment play an important role. The corresponding solutions are formulated in many ways in the report: More flexibility in working hours and location increases the incentive for employees, but at the same time it requires consideration of individual needs and available resources on both the employee and employer sides. Redesigning incentive systems with a focus on non-monetary incentives can increase performance and even reduce wage expenses. Social job perception also has a strong influence on motivation. A tailored remuneration system and flexible areas of responsibility can contribute to the positive image of systemically important professions.

Coordinated action by individuals, companies and politicians is required

With regard to the advantages and disadvantages of changing working environments, the report sharpens the necessary view of the triad of individual, corporate and social levels. “While companies often have to be pioneers and role models in flexibility in order to survive in the market, the political framework must finally follow suit: in terms of making full-time work more attractive, childcare options, sustainability criteria in public tenders and visible competition between social benefits and work“, says Erich Steinreiber, summarizing the conclusion. Entrepreneurial future opportunities lie in the use of non-monetary and performance-related incentives – in particular flexible working models and appreciation in the workplace. This is also seen as a lever on the customer side: the acceptance of day work during ongoing operations could, where possible, contribute to the visibility and image of system-relevant professions such as cleaning services. Sustainable tender criteria could also take qualitative and social criteria into account. Those involved in the initiative and the focus group agree: a coordinated approach by individuals, companies and politicians is required to meet the challenges and opportunities of the modern working world.

To the initiative
Die Initiative New world of work The aim is to build mutual understanding of the needs, motivations and motives of employers and employees and thus contribute to improving the working atmosphere and also productivity in Austria. To this end, Leitbetriebe Austria, together with partners, offers forums for dialogue between both sides in order to find and identify aspects of a positive positioning of the work concept. In addition to ISS Austria, the Raiffeisenbank Vienna-Lower Austria with the topic of “professional and private harmony” as well as BDO Austria and café+co in a joint focus group on the topic of “Workplace of the Future – Sustainable Perspectives” are part of the initiative. Further reports will be presented in the next few weeks. The initiators of the initiative are Monica Rintersbacher (Managing Director Leitbetriebe Austria), Michaela Hebein (Partner communications agency Kapp Hebein Partner) and Manuela Lindlbauer (Owner LINDLPOWER Personnel Management). Other supporters of the initiative New world of work are EHL, ARS Akademie, ETC, Handelsverband, Leadersnet Austria, Kurier, MV Verlag, Kleine Zeitung, RMA, weekend and marketagent.

Questions & Contact:

Kapp Hebein Partner GmbH
Katharina Brandner
Phone: +43 1 23 50 422 35

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