New ORF cooperation in Carinthia: ORF III and Carinthischer Sommer sign a three-year framework agreement

This year the RSO final concert of the festival can be seen for the first time on ORF III

Vienna (OTS) The ORF is further strengthening its cooperation with cultural institutions throughout Austria and is now entering into a new cooperation with Carinthia – following existing framework agreements in the federal states of Vienna, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Styria and Burgenland. The agreement concluded today, on Monday, May 13, 2024, between ORF III Culture and Information and the Carinthian Summer for the years 2024 to 2026 guarantees the audience the recording or broadcast of a production from the Carinthian Festival in the programs every year during this period of the ORF.

This year, ORF III is showing “A Soundtrack to the Stars,” the final concert of the Carinthian Summer, which will be played by the ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna. The signing of the framework agreement took place in the presence of, among others, Carinthia’s Governor Peter Kaiser, the head of the cultural department of the State of Carinthia Brigitte Winkler-Komar, the new director of the Carinthian Summer Nadja Kayali as well as the ORF III managing directors Peter Schöber and Kathrin Zierhut-Kunz at ORF -Media Campus.

Governor Kaiser: “Highly fruitful partnership”

“Art needs an audience. This simple formula is the basis of the cooperation agreement between Carinthischer Sommer and ORF III. As a cultural advisor, I can only emphasize that this collaboration, in conjunction with the creative innovative strength of the new director Nadja Kayali, will take the Carinthian Summer to a new level and the increased attention will open up new groups of visitors. In this context, ORF III and Carinthischer Sommer, with the support of the State of Carinthia, have entered into a highly fruitful partnership that sustainably strengthens the cultural region of Carinthia,” says State Governor Peter Kaiser.

ORF III program manager Schöber: “We are increasingly focusing on regionality”

“In fulfilling our public cultural mandate, we have been placing increasing emphasis on regionality for years. Thanks to the successful cooperation with the federal states, we can offer our audience a wide and rich range of programs from many different cultural venues throughout Austria,” emphasizes ORF III program manager Peter Schöber. And further: “I am therefore particularly pleased that we can further expand this offer through the new collaboration with the state of Carinthia and the Carinthian Summer and thus appeal to even more people in accordance with our client-oriented motto ‘ORF for everyone’. I would like to thank all partners and those involved for the first-class framework conditions that the cultural region of Carinthia makes possible for us.”

Festival director Nadja Kayali: “Carinthian summer with new radiance”

“With this cooperation agreement for an expanded media presence, it will be possible to present the international Carinthian Summer Festival with new appeal as a European brand,” says neo-director Nadja Kayali. “I am particularly pleased that we will be creating this collaboration with our new festival orchestra, the RSO Vienna, in the first year of our long-term partnership. The RSO is one of the best orchestras in our country and has now found a second base in Carinthia. I am happy that the state of Carinthia appreciates and supports our work so much.”

From the Carinthian Summer: ORF RSO Vienna with Gershwin and Williams live on ORF III

The ORF RSO Vienna is celebrating its debut as a festival orchestra on the 55th anniversary of the Carinthian music and culture festival and – after the opening – will also play the final concert “A Soundtrack to the Stars”. In the first half of the evening’s program, music by George Gershwin is on the program: Under the direction of British conductor Wayne Marshall, the ORF RSO Vienna will perform the famous “Rhapsody in Blue”, which is celebrating its 100th birthday this year, as well as “An American in Paris “ for the performance. Marshall not only acts as a conductor, but also as a soloist: from the piano he leads the orchestra in “Rhapsody in Blue”; He improvises the cadenzas freely. In the second part of the program, film music by John Williams will be heard: from the “Harry Potter” productions to George Lucas’ “Star Wars” saga to Steven Spielberg’s classics such as “Jaws”, “Indiana Jones”, ” ET” or “Schindler’s List”.

Further details about the ORF III Culture and Information program are available at

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