New military commander for Lower Austria | Federal Ministry of Defense, August 20, 2024

New military commander for Lower Austria | Federal Ministry of Defense, August 20, 2024

Vienna (OTS) –

On August 20, 2024, Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner appointed Colonel Georg Härtinger as the new military commander for Lower Austria. He beat around 10 other high-ranking officers in a strict, multi-stage application process and will therefore be appointed to his new job in St. Pölten as soon as possible.

Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner: “I am pleased that we can appoint Georg Härtinger, a highly trained officer who is experienced through further training and deployments at home and abroad, as the new military commander in Lower Austria. Through his many years of commanding experience in Lower Austria, he has proven that he knows the country and the troops very well.”

State Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner: “Colonel Härtinger is distinguished by an impressive military career, an exemplary professional attitude, comprehensive knowledge in the various specialist areas of the military and brings a wealth of experience from numerous international missions to the new position. I am therefore pleased that Colonel Härtinger, an extremely recognized, competent and capable officer, will lead the Lower Austria Military Command and thus become an indispensable part of the blue-yellow security family.”

The native of St. Pölten has been serving in the Federal Army since 1984 and graduated from the Theresian Military Academy in Wr. in 1990. Neustadt. He began his career with the Landwehr Stammregiment 33 in Mautern and continued in various commanding positions in the former 3rd Jäger Brigade. After many deployments at home and abroad, he was most recently in command of Staff Battalion 3 in Mautern until he moved to the Ministry of Defense in 2023.

In his free time he enjoys, among other things, sports, photography and is the civil protection officer for his home community.

Colonel Georg Härtinger lives in Lower Austria, is married and has three children.


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