New location for partial assisted living opened in Vienna.

Expanded offer of psychosocial support

Vienna (OTS) The Vienna social services are opening a new location for partial assisted living in the 10th district. This step marks a significant milestone in the care and support of people in Vienna who have experienced or are experiencing mental illness. The President of the Vienna Social Services Gabriele Votava emphasizes the relevance of this new location for creating a stable, long-term and professional care relationship to ensure the clients’ individual quality of life.

City councilor Peter Hacker underlines the importance of facilities such as partial assisted living, which offer needs-based support and support. “I’m pleased that with this new location in Vienna there is another opportunity to provide people with the support they need in their own four walls. The focus of mobile care is to provide optimal support in leading a self-determined lifestyle.” Hacker also expresses his appreciation and says more “I warmly congratulate the Vienna social services on this new location and wish them much success in their work.”

The managing director of the Vienna Social Fund, Anita Bauer, emphasizes: “Living independently, housing and making decisions – that’s what we all want. This is exactly what we at FSW want to make possible for our customers with disabilities.” Bauer explains further: “We can do this together with 80 partner organizations. Including the Vienna social services, which have made a valuable contribution with this new offer.”

Martina Plohovits, head of the assisted living department at the Vienna Social Fund, adds: “At the FSW we regularly look at what people need, what their needs are and where we can contribute to a better quality of life. We have responded to the increased need for partial assisted living and created this care base at Hebbelplatz.”

The new location at Hebbelplatz offers a wide range of services and support options for clients. Head of department Karina Purger, who also moderated the opening ceremony, emphasizes the holistic care philosophy of Vienna’s social services. “Our way of working is characterized by respect, appreciation and regard for each individual person and their life experiences”explains Purger. “We attach great importance to the fact that the clients are actively involved in the support and shape their lives independently.”

At the end of the ceremonial opening, the music group from the craft sector will perform, whose members are also clients of the Vienna social services. Through their rousing performance, they not only express their musical talent, but also their individual talents and strengths. This unique performance underlines the diversity within the people supported by Vienna’s social services.

The new location at Hebbelplatz is an important step by Vienna’s social services to promote the quality of life and participation of people who have experienced or are experiencing a mental illness. With a committed team and a wide range of services, the Vienna social services continue their mission to ensure needs-based and professional support.

About the Vienna social services:

The Vienna Social Services are the leading providers of social services in Vienna and have been providing a wide range of services for people with disabilities, seniors, people with limited health or social risks and their families for more than 75 years.

Questions & Contact:

Mag.a Petra Endl
Public relations and communication

Vienna social services
1150 Vienna | Camillo-Sitte-Gasse 6

Tel. +43 1 98121 1080
Mobil: +43 676 88 30 8 1080

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