New data shows: Lower Austria is again number 1 in purchasing power

LH Mikl-Leitner: “Confirmation of our path”

St. Pölten (OTS) Compared to all other federal states, Lower Austria is – again – number 1 in terms of purchasing power. This is shown by the latest data from RegioData Research GmbH, which was recently published. Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner: “For me, this is also a clear confirmation of our path to making Lower Austria the leading, smart and sustainable economic region in Europe. Because only with efficient companies can we drive growth and secure jobs and prosperity in the state, and ultimately all Lower Austrians benefit from this.”

In a comparison of federal states, Lower Austria is number 1 in terms of purchasing power per inhabitant as well as purchasing power per household, as data from Regio Data Research shows. “Our strength is clearly the diversity of innovative companies in Lower Austria; together with our hard-working employees, they ensure prosperity and quality of life in our state,” the state governor is convinced.

In the future, Mikl-Leitner also wants to concentrate on three areas in this area, also setting the course for the future. Firstly, there is digitalization, for example with the AI ​​focus in the House of Digitalization or the “digi4wirtschaft” funding, for which six million euros are available. Secondly, the use of resources is an important focus, here the emphasis is on bio-economy , circular economy, renewable energies and resource efficiency. The third topic is “smart vitality”, which is primarily about innovations in the health sector.

Questions & Contact:

Office of the Lower Austrian State Government
State Office Directorate/Public Relations
Mag. Christian Salzmann

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