New board of RegionalMedien Austria appointed

Georg Doppelhofer and Andreas Eisendle will jointly form the board of Austria’s leading regional media house from March 1, 2025*

Vienna (OTS) The supervisory board of RegionalMedien Austria AG appointed the group’s future board of directors this week: The current board term of Georg Doppelhofer and Gerhard Fontan ends in February next year. The new board constellation of RegionalMedien Austria AG has already been determined: Georg Doppelhofer and Andreas Eisendle will jointly take over the management of the successful media company from March 2025.

“Andreas Eisendle is predestined to be a board member of RegionalMedien Austria. He has been working in media management for more than 20 years and brings extensive experience with the ‘regional and national’ media model from the management of the federal states. Together with Georg Doppelhofer he will continue to lead the company successfully into the future.”says Mag. Silvia Lieb, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of RegionalMedien Austria AG. “I accept Gerhard Fontan’s decision not to extend his contract and would like to express my thanks for his many years of service to the RegionalMedien: founding member of the Bezirksblatt in 1985, board member when RegionalMedien Austria was founded in 2009, managing director of the BezirksRundschau for six years and onwards In 2017, he was once again on the board together with Georg Doppelhofer – Gerhard Fontan has contributed to the success of RegionalMedien Austria for almost 40 years. I wish him all the best for his new phase of life.”

Mag. Markus Mair, deputy chairman of the supervisory board of RegionalMedien Austria AG: “I am very pleased that Andreas Eisendle, with his extensive experience in the regional media sector, is joining RegionalMedien Austria as a board member. Together with Georg Doppelhofer, he will continue to consistently keep the company on the path to success. Over the past ten years, Georg Doppelhofer has made a significant contribution to the successful market position of the group of companies, which currently occupies the leading position in the domestic media market with an incredible cross-media reach of 46.4 percent*. In 2025 he will begin his fourth term on the board of the company and, together with Andreas Eisendle, will fully exploit the enormous future potential of RegionalMedien Austria on the board.”

Mag. Georg Doppelhofer (44) joined Styria Media Group AG in 2007 and initially worked in daily newspapers, magazines, radio and free newspapers. He subsequently worked as executive assistant with a focus on foreign business and, from 2009, was responsible as managing director for the daily and weekly media as well as online portals of zurnal media and the agency Interactive Agency, all subsidiaries of Styria in Slovenia. In 2014 he moved to the board of RegionalMedien. Georg Doppelhofer has also been President of the ÖWA (Austrian Web Analysis) since 2020 and Vice President of the VRM (Association of Regional Media) since 2017.

Mag. Andreas Eisendle (48) has been working at Moser Holding AG since 2004. Initially working as an assistant to the board, he has made a significant contribution to the positive development of the company in various management positions. As head of the Magazine / Radio division, he has successfully built up the group’s magazine division since 2006 and positioned Life Radio Tirol as the largest private radio station in Tyrol. After founding the federal states in 2011, he developed the ring with its regional titles such as TIROLERIN to WIENERIN into Austria’s most successful women’s and lifestyle magazine group with over 440,000 readers.

RegionalMedien Austria AG is a 50/50 joint venture between Moser Holding AG and Styria Media Group AG.

*Source: MA 2023 (survey period 01/2023-12/2023). CrossMediaReach: Net reach for print (printed edition/ePaper) and online (web/app) in the publication interval of the print medium of RegionalMedien Austria overall/ for an average week in Austria 14plus, fluctuation range ±0.8%. RegionalMedien Austria total (weekly, free of charge) / Online weekly reach adjusted to ÖWA.

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Questions & Contact:

RegionalMedia Austria
Mag. Kerstin Traschler
Head of Marketing and Communications
M +43/664/80 666 8200 |

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