Network Educational Advice Salzburg starts into the new period

Educational advice opens up new perspectives and offers orientation in all phases of life

Salzburg (OTS) The Salzburg Educational Advice Network is starting the new 3-year period (2023-2026). The organizations in the state of Salzburg have set themselves the goal of providing almost 5,000 face-to-face educational and career advice sessions annually. MMag.a Silvia Schwarzenberger-Papula, Managing Director of Salzburg Adult Education and Overall Manager of the Educational Consulting Network Salzburg, says: “All partners in the network have been contributing their specific resources and expertise for 13 years.”

Review: The consulting year 2023 – “We open up new perspectives”

The educational advice network Salzburg supports you in developing your own career goals and opening up new perspectives, says MMag.a Silvia Schwarzenberger-Papula, managing director of Salzburg adult education and overall project management. The offer is aimed at people aged 15 and over in the state of Salzburg, is free of charge and provider-neutral. Schwarzenberger continues: “Our network has existed for 13 years now and we are pleased that we can offer educational advice at 35 locations throughout the state and also online for everyone in Salzburg.”

Currently, 12 consultants from three consulting organizations – BiBer Bildungsberatung, Frau & Arbeit, Salzburg Chamber of Labor – are carrying out consultations within the Salzburg Educational Consulting Network as part of the ESF project. In the past year 2023, the targeted target groups were reached very well.

Around a third of men and two thirds of women attended the consultations; this ratio has remained roughly the same for several years.

The AMS career information centers are strategic partners in the network alongside the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, gGmbH VIELE and bifeb in Strobl. Marco Wuppinger, coordinator of the AMS’s Career Information Center, explains: “At the BIS we carried out 2,732 consultations in 2023 – 96 percent of which were personal consultations.”

People are the focus of advice

The advisory organizations of the Educational Advice Network enable adults and young people aged 15 and over to receive professional, low-threshold, provider-neutral and free advice on education and careers. Almost 5,000 consultations are planned per year across the entire educational advice network, including the AMS’s BIZ. “Our focus is exclusively on the interests of our consulting customers,” says Mag.a Christine Bauer-Grechenig and continues: “We provide orientation and decision-making support in finding and choosing the right training or career path for people between 15 and 65 Years. This is mostly about ways to gain higher qualifications and gain educational qualifications as adults, to reorient yourself professionally and to be able to gain a good footing. The various options for financial support are also an integral part of our advice. It is important to us to empower our advisory customers so that they can independently make the decisions that are right for them regarding education and career.”

Ute Zischinsky, educational consultant at Frau & Arbeit, is proud to accompany women in particular on their educational path and support them in their professional development: “Sustainable advice adapts to the individual needs of customers. Every educational path is unique, and we support women in achieving their personal goals.” Women particularly often ask about suitable further training opportunities.

“The Salzburg Chamber of Labor’s educational advice aims to encourage people to develop their professional careers according to their own interests and talents,” emphasizes Sabine Stadler, educational consultant at the AK Salzburg. “We provide information about funding opportunities and advise in all phases of life, from choosing the right school and training, when deciding whether to go to school or an apprenticeship, after graduating from high school and in phases of upheaval and change in your working life.”

24 hour appointment booking:
Deadline (
Free education line: Tel. 0800 200 400

The focus of the Salzburg Educational Advice Network is on the target group of educationally disadvantaged adults: These include people with little formal educational background, older people, people with a migration background or with disabilities, people returning to work, people with a lack of basic education as well as socially and regionally disadvantaged people. Empowerment through educational and career advice has an anti-discriminatory effect and promotes equality. Ute Zischinsky from Frau & Arbeit adds: “Awareness of pension provision is also reaching young women. Educational advice helps create the foundation.”

At the same time, the consulting services also serve to support current labor market policy challenges: Specifically, they can help reduce the shortage of skilled workers, for example in the areas of nursing, IT and elementary education. This goal is achieved by providing information on these areas in educational advice.

All advisory services in the Salzburg Educational Advice Network have this IBOBB seal of quality for provider-neutral, professional, high-quality and development-oriented educational advice.

Educational advice works.
Case study 1: Maureen is catching up on her degree

The study “Effects-Benefits-Effects in Educational Advice”, which was carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, also shows that educational advice works. The basis was questionnaires that were filled out by educational counseling participants between 2019 and 2021. Accordingly, educational advice not only contributes to support in decision-making processes, but also motivates people to take action steps that the respondents were not previously aware of. After the consultation, the clients also take part in further training courses more often.

Maureen Okosun, for example, also received support in her concerns and in overcoming obstacles. The woman from Nigeria had already worked as a cook in her country of origin and wanted to complete a recognized training course in Austria. She learned German; However, the working hours caused difficulties with a training position as they were not compatible with looking after her two children. Her advisor at Frau & Arbeit accompanied her and found her a practical training position. Maureen Okosun has now completed her apprenticeship.

The entire story can be found in the educational book: Maureen finally becomes a chef! | Educational book

Case study 2: Alexandra gets support on her way to her dream job

Alexandra Grünbart also received support to help her navigate her career path. After completing her studies early, she wanted to find a job that she would enjoy. The BiBer educational consultancy accompanied her through the decision-making process and helped her find the next steps: Now she is learning to be a bookseller and is sitting in vocational school instead of in the lecture hall.
You can read the whole story in the educational book:

Why Alexandra swapped the lecture hall for teaching | Educational book

The educational advice network – regular specialist exchange

The partners in the network regularly exchange ideas, and the topic of AI is currently the focus. Marco Wuppinger, coordinator of the AMS Career Information Center, explains: “We all know about the great diversity of offerings in the state of Salzburg when it comes to education and career paths. In the network we can exchange ideas and share new information with each other. With good internal networking we can best achieve our common goal of offering everyone in Salzburg high-quality advice!”

The educational advice network has existed since 2011. Project sponsorship and coordination are the responsibility of Salzburg Adult Education, the association for the promotion of adult education and public libraries in the state of Salzburg.

(See Fact Sheet Network)

The education line is free of charge Telephone number 0800 208 400. Here you can make an appointment and get answers to questions directly. This hotline is managed by the experienced educational consultants from BiBer Bildungsberatung.

On the common website There is all the information about educational advice and the link to book an appointment:

With the 24h-Terminbuchungstool You can book a face-to-face appointment or a video consultation: Deadline (

Another contact option for questions is the email address:

Questions & Contact:

Press contact, Interview request:

Mag.a Daniela Bayer-Schrott
Tel. 0660/1726297
Educational advice network Salzburg
Strubergasse 18/2
A-5020 Salzburg

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