NEOS: Video shows Helmut Brandstätter’s image of Europe | NEOS

NEOS: Video shows Helmut Brandstätter’s image of Europe |  NEOS

From Vranitzky and Mock to Kohl, from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the attack on Ukraine

Vienna (OTS) “I was lucky to be born in a free country. 1955 was the year of the State Treaty, a new beginning for Austria. When the Wall came down in 1989, I sat as a journalist next to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and experienced how Austria moved from the edge to the center of Europe and how the borders in Europe opened up. I experienced a time of prosperity – our freedoms became more and more, our opportunities more and more. I was able to grow up in a Europe that was becoming increasingly safer, wealthier and more cosmopolitan. I want future generations to be able to say that about their lives. Much of it is in danger – from threats from outside, but also from within. We therefore need to come closer together in Europe; we can achieve much more together. So let’s strengthen what makes us strong: Europe, with the goal of the ‘United States of Europe’,” says Helmut Brandstätter, NEOS’s leading candidate for the EU elections, in a video posted today on the social media channels of NEOS was published and is available here:

Busek, Mock, Vranitzky, Kohl and Schmidt as European role models

The video shows pictures and videos from Brandstätter’s childhood and youth, but also from his early political time as ÖH chairman. “When the wall was built in 1961, my parents talked about it in shock. 28 years later, I was able to experience how it fell with Kohl on a state visit to Warsaw,” said Brandstätter. The video also shows images from his time as a journalist and foreign correspondent in Brussels and Bonn. “I was always enthusiastic about the joy and motivation of politicians like Erhard Busek and Alois Mock for this Europe and their clear vision for the common EU. Unfortunately, the ÖVP has left this European path today; it has become a ‘Europe, but…’ party. I say: ‘Europe because it makes us strong as Austria,'” said Brandstätter.

In his conversations with Franz Vranitzky and Helmut Kohl, but also with Erhard Busek and Heide Schmidt, Brandstätter experienced how Austria, but also Germany, have benefited from EU membership: “Anyone who badmouths this today is denying the facts. But threats from inside and outside are unfortunately increasing. Putin’s war in Ukraine leaves us with no choice – we must talk about our security and our defense. The nationalists and EU destroyers from the FPÖ, AfD and their friend Orban want to further weaken the EU from within. The answer to that is: Europe must become more democratic.” NEOS therefore want a direct election of the Commission President, but also more rights for the EU Parliament and the implementation of the measures from the EU’s future conference.

CV Helmut Brandstätter:

1973-1978: Law studies
1977-1979: ÖH chairman at the University of Vienna
1979-1982: Traineeship at the European Commission in Brussels
1984-1985: Correspondent in Bonn
1986: Establishment of the ORF studio in Brussels
1987-1991: ORF studio manager Bonn with responsibility for FRG, GDR and EU
1995: Founding and moderation of ORF-REPORT
1997-2003: Managing Director n-tv, Berlin
2003-2005: Managing Director of Puls TV and presenter of Pro Sieben Austria Top News
2010-2019: KURIER editor-in-chief (2013-2019: publisher KURIER)
since 2019: NEOS spokesman for foreign policy, research, innovation and technology

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