NEOS on Vilimsky escalation: Let’s not destroy the EU | NEOS

NEOS on Vilimsky escalation: Let’s not destroy the EU |  NEOS

Brandstätter: “The FPÖ and Harald Vilimsky want to destroy the EU with Putin.”

Vienna (OTS) For NEOS’ top EU candidate Helmut Brandstätter there is no doubt after FPÖ candidate Harald Vilimsky’s speech at the Vienna state party conference: “The FPÖ obviously wants to fulfill its contract with Putin and destroy the EU. The FPÖ, Harald Vilimsky and their radical friends have only one goal on June 9th: Öxit. We NEOS will not allow the blue EU destroyers and Putin friends to destroy this Europe for us. Let’s make this EU a success project for all generations so that we can live safely in Austria and Europe is once again about people’s opportunities and prosperity. ”

Brandstätter also directs a question to Vilimsky: “Why are you, Mr. Vilimsky, running for an EU Parliament if you want to destroy the EU? Leave it alone if you don’t want to work on a common Europe.”

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