NEOS on IHS forecast: Government is gambling away the future

NEOS on IHS forecast: Government is gambling away the future

Loacker: “How many more alarm bells have to ring before the government finally stops its arbitrary spending policy?”

Vienna (OTS) After the Fiscal Council or the WIFO boss, the current IHS forecast raises the next alarm bell, says NEOS economics spokesman Gerald Loacker: “The money for the gifts that the government is planning for September is simply not there. This is how the government is gambling away our future. We finally need courageous reforms, otherwise we will, little by little, squander what we know as our good life in Austria. Our country needs courageous reforms for the location and a future-oriented budget and not more inconsequential government strategies or the Chancellor’s plans for Austria. We NEOS are working to ensure that those who keep everything running with their performance and the companies in the country finally feel again that it pays off to work.”

The IHS forecast clearly shows what NEOS has been saying for a long time: “Austria has a spending problem and not a revenue problem, which is why the IHS has clearly spoken out against new taxes today. After the IV boss yesterday, the IHS director also explains today that the tax and contribution burden, especially on work, is too great – we have to relieve the top performers in our society instead of burdening them. This is the only way we can become internationally competitive again and work finally pays off again,” says Loacker, who points out that Austria has dropped a full 10 places in the current IMD location ranking.

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