Music wish day for LIGHT IN THE DARK: ORF radios once again collected donations for families in need and people with disabilities

On Music Wish Day, listeners wished for their favorite songs again

Vienna (OTS) For the fourth time, a music wish day for LICHT INS DUNKEL took place on the ORF radios on November 30, 2023. For 24 hours, listeners were able to request their favorite titles for a donation via the A1 donation line. The donations collected will once again be used to support aid projects in all federal states, families in need and people with disabilities. In total, a pledged donation amount of 546,039 euros was raised as part of the ORF radio’s fourth music wish day.

ORF regional studios would like to thank listeners for a successful music wish day

Ursula Hofmeister, program manager at Radio Burgenland: “Music Wish Day is the start of the Advent season for our team and a strong sign of how the public broadcaster feels connected to humanitarian aid. We are very happy about the many contacts with our listeners and are always thrilled about their generous willingness to donate. Our support for LIGHT IN THE DUNKEL is taking us all over the country this year. From December 3rd we will be going on tour with the ‘ORF Burgenland Klangzauber’ together with Austropop stars and visiting Advent markets in Burgenland.”

Karin Bernhard, regional director of ORF Carinthia: “For the Radio Carinthia team, the music wish day was again something very special, as our listeners with many emotional stories connected their music wishes with their willingness to donate. It has shown how the people of Carinthia are not only connected to THEIR radio, but also to LICHT IN DUNKEL and they have once again shown solidarity. Thank you for your generous donations, which can help many people.”

Alexander Hofer, regional director of ORF Lower Austria: “My thanks go to the people of Lower Austria who donated so generously. Despite the difficult times, the willingness to donate remains unbroken in Lower Austria. It has been shown once again that the listeners have a heart for everyone who needs support. It was a pleasure to fulfill the music wishes.”

Klaus Obereder, regional director of ORF Upper Austria: “The ORF Radio Upper Austria music wish day for LIGHT IN THE DARK is one of the highlights of the pre-Christmas season for our team every year. The special radio program on this day, the many lovely phone calls with our listeners and at the end of the day a donation that will help many families in need again next year fills us with great joy and gratitude. Good news is especially valuable in times like these. Seeing how much solidarity Upper Austrians show when it comes to helping motivates us a lot. A big thank you to all donors!”

Christopher Pöhl, program director at ORF Salzburg: “The music wish day on Radio Salzburg has now become a fixture in the beginning of Advent and can no longer be imagined without it. On the one hand, because the listeners make a great financial contribution with their donations for LICHT INS DUNKEL, even in difficult times, and on the other hand, because the wishes and the stories behind them have made a diverse and varied program possible. A program by and for the listeners of ORF Radio Salzburg and for LICHT IN DUNKEL. On this day, special thanks go to the music editorial team, who brought the colorful music request program ‘on air’ for 13 hours, and to the moderation team at Radio Salzburg, who passed on the good, entertaining and contemplative thoughts.”

Sigrid Hroch, program manager at Radio Steiermark: “With the music wish day for LICHT INS DUNKEL, the Advent season actually officially begins on Radio Steiermark. Our employees sit on the donation phone with enthusiasm, are happy about every euro, but also about the many wonderful conversations with our listeners. And the Radio Steiermark family surprises us year after year with their willingness to donate. A day we don’t want to miss anymore.”

Timo Abel-Benini, head of programming at Radio Tirol: “From Thursday 9:00 a.m. to Friday 9:00 a.m. we played exclusively music requests from the donors for 24 hours. And that is just a small thank you that we can give back for the openness, closeness and warmth of heart that the Tyroleans gave us in these 24 hours. The fact that such an impressive amount of donations was collected for the LIGHT IN DUNKEL emergency aid fund shows the strong solidarity in the country. A sincere thank you to everyone who made this time a very special radio experience.”

Markus Klement, regional director of ORF Vorarlberg: “This year, ORF Vorarlberg is supporting LICHT IN DUNKEL with the Mäder school home, an impressive and important institution whose sponsoring association is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. With the LIGHT IN THE DUNKEL donation day we want to give twice as much joy: to our listeners with their favorite hits as well as to fellow human beings who need support.”

Jasmin Dolati, program director at Radio Vienna: “The last few years and especially the year 2023 are times in which many of us are facing special challenges. Of course, inflation is a central issue. It is all the better that so many listeners show their solidarity and not only open their hearts but also their wallets to help and support. A beautiful sign of togetherness and cohesion. I am very pleased that so many Viennese people are taking part and telling us their stories and experiences on Radio Vienna: regardless of whether it is a small or large donation, or the important volunteer work, or the support of the own family. The entire Studio Vienna says THANK YOU.”

All information about the fundraising campaign can be found at

On the homepage you can find all the facts about online and SMS donations and the acquisition of ORF-LICHT INS DUNKEL company partnerships. You can also donate all year round by calling or texting the free A1 donation phone number 0800 664 24 12 and on Facebook at ORFLichtinsDunkel. All information about donation options can also be found in the ORF TELETEXT on page 680.

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