Moosbrugger: Please be considerate, leave out the rockets – for the sake of our (farm) animals

Appeal in poem form – noise, garbage and toxins are dangerous – risk of injury and fire

Vienna (OTS) President of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture Josef Moosbrugger This year appeals to the population in a slightly different form to avoid fireworks on New Year’s Eve, namely with a short poem: “Perhaps a short bit of fun for you, but in excess for our livestock: panic, stress, extreme noise, dirt and garbage Intestines, risk of injury and also fire. Have a different approach to the new year! Instead of firecrackers, firecrackers and rockets, we would really like to be considerate! So put an end to this nonsense and treat yourself to enjoyment. It’s better to focus on comfort at New Year’s Eve. Or don’t ‘crash’ in a different way: when celebrating and laughing with friends.”

Enormous noise pollution means panic and risk of injury

Surely a few rockets and pirates can’t be that harmful? Wrong, as LKÖ animal welfare expert and veterinarian Max Hörmann knows: “Fireworks are extremely loud. The explosion can produce a sound pressure level of up to 170 decibels. For comparison: jet engines reach around 140 decibels at a distance of 25 meters. Human hearing can Damage can occur from around 80 decibels, and many animals are even more sensitive. In the worst case, the New Year’s noise can lead to complete hearing loss or tinnitus.”

Humans hear between 20 and 20,000 hertz, pigs between 40 and 40,500 hertz and are therefore much better than humans. The loud noises and light effects also cause wild animals to panic, warns Hörmann. “There is an increased risk of accidents and injuries for domestic animals, farm animals and wild animals due to sudden startles,” reports the animal welfare expert, from sprains to falls. Studies on birds, for example, have also shown that they soar untypically high on New Year’s Eve. This leads to high energy consumption, which can be life-threatening, especially in winter.

Garbage and pollutant pollution endangers animal health

“The fired fireworks and packaging often end up in the meadows and fields. This means they can get into the hay and subsequently into the animals’ stomachs. This can cause serious injuries and even lead to animal death,” warns Moosbrugger. It is estimated that around 1,000 tons of waste are generated by fireworks in Austria every year.

The beautiful color of fireworks also comes from various chemical substances. Heavy metals such as lead and mercury used to be regular components of rockets. Although these substances are now banned, they can still be contained in illegally purchased fireworks. “But metal salts used today, such as strontium, copper, aluminum or barium, also pose an additional environmental burden. The substances seep into the soil and water or can be ingested by our wild and farm animals through food,” warns animal welfare expert Hörmann.

Fire hazard for hay barns and stables

There is also a risk of fire from the rockets, warns the LK Austria. “Especially in stables, straw and hay are stored and used directly as bedding. It was only on New Year’s Eve 2023 that a hay barn in Bavaria burned down due to a misguided rocket. Fortunately, in this case at least all the cows were saved. Such accidents, which are human and cost animal lives can be easily avoided,” emphasizes Moosbrugger.

“Stress, panic and injuries caused by noise, garbage and toxins are not necessary, they are terrible – just like fires. Therefore, for the sake of animals and people, please uphold the motto: ‘Good work instead of fireworks’ and avoid the New Year’s Eve crash. There is a lot “Better ways to end 2023 and slide into the new year with fun and joy,” emphasizes the LKÖ President, who with this in mind wishes all Austrians the best for 2024.

Questions & Contact:

Mag. Claudia Jung-Leithner,
Press Spokesperson & Head of Communications,
LK Austria,
Tel.: +43 676 83441 8770,


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