Minister of Education Return receives pupils and teaching staff at the Federal Institute for Deaf Education

Vienna (OTS) –

On his third working day as the new Minister of Education, Christoph Return received the Ministry of Education on Wednesday in the Wasagasse pupils and teachers of the Federal Institute for Department. In addition to an exchange with teachers and the directorate of the educational institution, getting to know each other with the students. The topic was also the Austrian sign language (ÖGS), which will play a greater role in the future. ÖGS is an independent language and can be learned as such like any other language. This is necessary for this.

The following curricula for ÖGS was written and prescribed:

  • Deaf pupils will in future be binding in the future as part of a special center of funding/communication. The pupils are taught according to the curriculum of elementary school, middle school or the AHS sub-level. The focus of hearing/communication is to be understood as a supplement
  • Listen students can learn from 01.09.2026 ÖGS as the second living foreign language (like other languages ​​such as English, French, Italian, etc.) at the Ahs upper level if they want this. This gives equality of other languages.

In addition to the content of content, the fun was not neglected on this appointment. In the wave stone hall of the Ministry of Education, various hands -on stations for children and young people were set up, which were enthusiastically accepted.

Minister of Education was happy to be happy: “The Ministry of Education should be an open house for all children and adolescents. It is important to me to be close to the one for whom I work and young people and young people. I want all students to have the same chances of a self -determined, happy life – no matter where they come from and what requirements they bring. I saw in many joyful children’s eyes today. That is what inspires me to further improve the Austrian education system! “

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Manfred Kling, media spokesman
Telefon: 01/531205034

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | Muk

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