Millstätter Economic Talks 2024: A strong business location must promote performance and demand willingness to perform

Millstätter Economic Talks 2024: A strong business location must promote performance and demand willingness to perform

What we knew until yesterday is not enough for the challenges of tomorrow. Impulses show the need for a new consensus on performance culture.

Millstatt (OTS) For four days, over 350 participants and 35 international and national speakers dedicated themselves to the connections between performance culture and location success, including business philosopher Anders Inset, Siemens boss Patricia Neumann, Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer, BM (ret.) Finanzprokuratur President Wolfgang Peschorn and BM (ret.) and Rector of the Styrian University of Education Beatrix Karl.

At a time when less work, work-life balance and home office shape the discourse about work and performance, the Millstatt business discussions dealt with offensive strategies and approaches for more performance. He then emphasizes Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer: “Work-life balance is a misleading term” and advocates for a change in discourse in politics and economics in his keynote speech on Thursday: “Work is part of life and therefore cannot be balanced by life. The idea that we can complete all of society’s tasks by working less and less is quixotic. Even with elementary school mathematics you can see that labor shortages cannot be solved by a four-day week and early retirement.”

The Millstätter Economic Discussions also analyze how technological and human performance will develop in the future. Because new technologies often increase our productivity – and make previous human activities partly obsolete. However, it applies “Europe must not become a consumer continent”so MEP Lukas Mandl as part of a panel and underlines: “We need innovation and production within us. And it always has to be about human values. Because artificial intelligence is the defining technology of our century. But it is not artificial wisdom or even cleverness, it is certainly not artificial empathy. This remains with humans and is important for our civilization and for each individual.”

When asked how companies will receive the performance they need for their tasks in the future and what framework conditions we will use to promote and demand performance, emphasized Siemens Austria CEO Patricia Neumann: “The key to success in digitalization lies not only in the technology itself, but above all in the development of a culture that promotes innovation and continuous learning. In a rapidly changing world, companies must create agile and adaptable teams to respond to new challenges.”Neumann continued “It’s about creating an environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities and sharing knowledge is encouraged. This is the only way we can fully exploit the opportunities offered by digitalization and ensure sustainable success.”

In conversation with Sacher Group CEO Matthias Winkler and BM (ret.) and President of the Financial Procuratorate Wolfgang Peschorn Both rely on defining and achieving goals as an incentive for performance – on a personal and social level. “The individual willingness to perform is largely determined by the interest in achieving goals. This is also why the goals should be supported by a high level of acceptance.”, summarizes Peschorn. Winkler continues, also in the context of changing values: “We need a new, therefore modern, performance culture, adapted to new realities. The essential parameters for this in society as well as in companies are common goals, balanced between ‘we’ and ‘I’, fair performance assessment and pay, work in teams and transparency. I also consider leading as a role model to be a central task.”

“The different impulses for the future of performance have shown one thing clearly: we need a new consensus about the performance culture necessary for our success. This is one of the most important projects for Austria and for Europe. Without performance there is no location or company success – and also not our model of life.”they balance Initiators of the Millstätter Economic Discussions Prof. Alfons Helmel and Markus Gruber.

Speakers in the intensive debate about the future of performance included, among others, economic philosopher Anders Indset, Siemens boss Patricia Neumann, talent professor Matthias Ehrhardt, the Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer, BM (ret.) Finance Procuratorate President Wolfgang Peschorn, BM (ret.) Rector Beatrix Karl, the former Energie AG OÖ President Leo Windtner, WKK President Jürgen Mandl, IV General Secretary Christoph Neumayer, Sacher Managing Director Matthias Winkler, former BM Gerhart Baum, SAP Managing Director Christina Wilfinger, BRZ CEO Roland Ledinger, HR Director of A1 Telekom Austria Eva Zehetner, Johanniter Federal Managing Director Petra Grell-Kunzinger. Former ÖGB President Erich Foglar, Amazing 15 managing director Anna Marton, labor and social law expert Wolfgang Mazal, IT entrepreneur Damian Izdebski and TU Graz Rector Horst Bischof.

You can find all of this year’s speakers, the diverse network organizations, all partners from the country, region, business and society as well as media partners at:

The detailed program is available here:

Questions & Contact:

Tina Saxer | | +43 (0)1 585 69 69 – 25 | |

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