MFG OÖ: Commitment to nature conservation and national security in the state parliament

MFG OÖ: Commitment to nature conservation and national security in the state parliament

Oral questions and urgent initiative motion in the state parliament session on June 13, 2024

Upper Austria’s nature is our treasure. We resolutely say NO to wind power, which is destroying our landscapes and also doesn’t deliver what it promises!

LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ Klubobmann

The MFG faction in Upper Austria. The state parliament has for the Upper Austrian session. Two oral questions and an urgent initiative motion were submitted to the state parliament on Thursday, June 13, 2024, which addressed the protection of nature and the clarification of responsibilities in the state government:

Oral inquiry: Sensitivity zones for energy sources

LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ club chairman, asks State Councilor Markus Achleitner whether, in addition to the acceleration areas according to the Renewable Energy Directive (“RED III”), legally binding sensitivity zones (exclusion zones) will also be defined for energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaics. The aim of such zones is to exclude landscapes and settlement areas that are worthy of protection from the use of renewable energies (wind power, PV).

Oral question: Competencies of the Governor in matters of national security

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman, demands that Governor Thomas Stelzer explain his specific tasks and competencies regarding the management, planning and coordination of the Upper Austria. State government in matters of national security. This clarification is important in order to make clear the responsibilities in the area of ​​security policy.

Urgent initiative proposal: Protect nature, stop wind power expansion

The MFG parliamentary group has submitted an urgent initiative proposal that deals with the expansion of wind power in Upper Austria. The demand on the Upper Austrian The state government is in the “Oö. “Wind Power Master Plan 2017” defined exclusion zones as well as the taboo zones in accordance with Section 12 Paragraph 2 Upper Austria. ElWOG 2006 to be bindingly defined as sensitivity zones as part of the implementation of RED III.

The construction of large wind turbines significantly affects the landscape as well as the flora and fauna. It is not only harmful to nature and the environment, but also to tourism. Upper Austria also has only low wind potential, which also makes expansion inefficient. Manuel Krautgartner: “Upper Austria’s nature is our treasure. We resolutely say NO to wind power, which is destroying our landscapes and also doesn’t deliver what it promises!”

Questions & Contact:

MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402

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