MFG criticized – important topics are left behind!

The budget debate in Upper Austria. The state parliament is a reflection of political priorities. Which topics are being promoted and which are being ignored? For the MFG it is clear: this year too, people’s important concerns will remain by the wayside. “The crucial question is: Will the budget for the coming year set the right course for Upper Austria’s future? Or will it remain a matter of managing the existing situation?” asks LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ club chairman. In the budget debate, the MFG is submitting several proposals that address central social questions – from strengthening families to real freedom of education to an honest assessment of the Corona measures.

“The crucial question is: Will the budget for the coming year set the right course for Upper Austria’s future? Or will it just be a matter of managing the existing situation?” – LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ Klubobmann

Family policy: freedom of choice instead of paternalism

The MFG calls for families to be given greater support and real freedom of choice. “Parents who want to care for their children at home continue to be financially disadvantaged, while out-of-home care is being massively expanded. “This is not freedom of choice, this is coercive politics,” criticizes Krautgartner.

A central application from the MFG provides for a pilot project to financially support child-rearing time. The aim is to give equal treatment to parents who look after their children within their own family unit. “We need politics that trusts people and supports them instead of telling them how to live. Families are the foundation of our society – they deserve support, not hurdles.”

Freedom of education: individuality instead of egalitarianism

The MFG also criticizes the lack of freedom of choice in the education sector. Alternative educational paths such as home lessons or learning groups are systematically disadvantaged in Upper Austria.

“Education should not depend on parents’ wallets. It is constitutionally guaranteed that parents can choose their children’s educational path. “But in practice, this is made more difficult by financial hurdles and bureaucratic harassment,” says Krautgartner. The MFG therefore calls for proportional funding for alternative educational paths in order to promote individuality and diversity in the education system.

Corona: processing instead of repression

The social and health consequences of the Corona measures are still unresolved in Upper Austria. “Many people are still suffering from the consequences of the excessive measures or have suffered health damage as a result of the vaccination campaigns. But the government remains silent and does not act,” said Krautgartner.

The MFG is calling for the establishment of a COVID relief fund worth 27.6 million euros as well as a specialist outpatient clinic for those affected by vaccinations and those affected by ME/CFS. “It is high time to take responsibility and give those affected the support they deserve,” emphasizes Krautgartner.

Energy policy: reason instead of ideology

The government’s so-called energy transition is sharply criticized by the MFG. “The hasty expansion of renewable energies without taking the infrastructure into account puts financial strain on people and endangers security of supply. This is symbolic politics on the backs of the citizens,” said Krautgartner.

The MFG calls for an energy policy that relies on a balanced energy mix and offers realistic solutions. “Measures are needed that serve people and the economy instead of blindly pursuing ideological goals. It would be the job of a state to ensure that people’s basic needs are affordable!”

Conclusion: Upper Austria needs courage and foresight

“The budget remains discouraged on the crucial issues. Upper Austria does not need to manage the existing situation, as the old and system parties like to do, but rather courageous solutions for the future. That’s why we reject the budget in this form!” summarizes Krautgartner.

The MFG sticks to its claim: freedom, personal responsibility and sustainable politics for an Upper Austria that serves people – not ideologies.

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