The MFG – People Freedom Fundamental Rights party is resolutely committed to abolishing the ORF budget levy, which it criticizes as an unjustified burden on citizens and as an instrument for the forced financing of a one-sided “state broadcaster”. In addition, the party draws attention to serious grievances at ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH, which is said to have violated legal requirements several times and thereby massively damaged the trust of citizens.
The household tax, which has been collected from all households (and also business establishments) since 2024 regardless of actual radio reception, is for the MFG nothing other than a state-imposed compulsory tax. “The ORF is presented as an independent broadcaster, but in reality it has long since become the mouthpiece of the government. You look for objective reporting in vain,” criticizes LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman.
“The household levy system defies all logic. People who consciously do not use the ORF still have to finance it. This is not only out of date, but also a blatant coercion of citizens. The ORF does not protect democracy – it undermines it by reporting one-sidedly and marginalizing critical voices
“, says also LAbg. Dagmar Häusler, BSc, MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman-Deputy.
Particularly explosive in this regard is the fact that the Constitutional Court found in a finding from October 2023 that the – officially independent – ORF is in fact politically occupied: The National Council is currently proposing six representatives for the ORF’s board of trustees, while the The federal government even appointed nine more members. According to the VfGH, the fact that this is a relatively large group in contrast to the six members appointed by the public council violates the constitutional requirement of independence and pluralism. This grievance has not yet been remedied by the federal government. “It is not understandable why citizens should be forced to pay a compulsory fee for a state broadcaster that violates constitutional law and is anything but independent and impartial,” said Aigner.
Illegal practices by ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH
In addition to the fundamental criticism of the budget levy, the MFG is now also disclosing specific cases in which ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH is said to have violated legal requirements. A request sent today by the MFG to ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH addresses several serious grievances:
Reminders or arrears certificates without a notice: Reminders or enforceable arrears certificates were issued without a prior notice being issued – a clear violation of the provisions of the ORF Contribution Act.
Handover to debt collection agencies or lawyers despite open proceedings: Claims were forwarded to debt collection agencies or lawyers for collection, even though those affected had requested a notice that had not yet been delivered.
Delays in notifications: Those affected sometimes had to wait months for notifications, while ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH was already aggressively pursuing the claim.
“This action is an affront to the citizens. It shows how little respect ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH has for legal requirements and people’s rights,” emphasizes LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ club chairman. “The impression is that systematic pressure is being exerted here to enforce payments – regardless of the legal situation.”
“We have therefore decided to send a comprehensive inquiry to ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH in order to finally provide clarity about these allegedly illegal processes. It is unacceptable that citizens are systematically put under pressure while legal requirements are apparently ignored,” explains Aigner.
Legal support for those affected and the need for political action
In order to help citizens to defend themselves against the ORF budget levy, the MFG provides instructions and sample letters (can be found at available. “We want to give people the opportunity to exercise their rights and to defend themselves against this unfair tax,” explains Häusler.
Joachim Aigner emphasizes: “It is high time for politicians to act in the interests of the citizens and abolish the ORF budget levy. We call on the government to take appropriate steps and to oblige the OBS to operate in a legally compliant and transparent manner.”
Demand for enlightenment and abolition
The MFG not only calls for these grievances to be fully clarified, but also for the abolition of the household tax. “The budget levy is a tool for coercive financing of a state broadcaster that has distanced itself from the citizens. This system cannot be reformed. It must be ended
“Aigner concluded.
The MFG remains committed and will continue to fight for the rights of citizens and to stand up against unfair taxes and unlawful practices.