MFG against digital vaccination certificate as a piece of the puzzle of total control

When do politicians actually want to consult the people again on important issues?

The MFG rejects the digital vaccination certificate as another totalitarian control instrument. “Democracy in Austria is degenerating more and more into a farce!”, says LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman. When have people been asked whether they agree with total digitalization and therefore total surveillance? “The black-green government stands for ‘driving over it’ – and the rest of the unity party is no better.”

“It is a bad habit that in the so-called democracy of Austria, measures are taken step by step that are not in favor of the citizens – or that citizens and taxpayers are never asked for their opinion,” explains Joachim Aigner. “There was a lot of cheating with the vaccination status during the alleged pandemic that has been terrorizing citizens since 2020. Suddenly you had to reveal sensitive, personal medical information to every waiter and every apprentice.”

On June 26th, the four factions of the unity party, namely ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ and NEOS, voted in the Health Committee for an amendment to the Health Telematics Act and thus for the full operation of the electronic vaccination certificate. After people and doctors in Austria have managed without such a document for many centuries, the question arises as to who orders something like this and who is the beneficiary of it. It is not the citizen – because they are becoming even more transparent than they were before and the risk of data loss and data misuse increases.

“Wherever you look – only infantile incapacitation! Who asked us if we wanted to become glass subjects?”

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

“While the unity party and the authorities are proud of having implemented a central vaccination register and they cheekily claim that there is considerable public interest in it, every day young people who had the questionable benefit of the last vaccination campaign suddenly and died unexpectedly. There is no discussion about this either,” says LAbg. Dagmar Häusler, BSc, MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman Deputy.

“To this day, young people who allowed themselves to be persuaded to take part in the last vaccination campaign suddenly and unexpectedly drop dead. Is the e-vaccination certificate really the solution – or just another control tool?”

LAbg. Dagmar Häusler, BSc, MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman Deputy.

The electronic vaccination certificate opens the door to further state attacks on fundamental rights and civil liberties, as we experienced during the Corona period. In reality, nothing is done for the health of the population; it only serves the lobbying interests of the pharmaceutical industry. “Do you remember 2020 when hospitals were supposedly overwhelmed? How many intensive care beds have been created since then?” says Häusler angrily.

The question of how many access paths to highly sendable digital health data are permitted is particularly problematic. Even the health advice 1450 has access, as do the emergency services. What benefit should it have if a rescue worker can determine whether a traffic accident victim has received a measles vaccination? This is a case of broadly spreading the word instead of restricting access to meaningful and relevant data.

“Incredible access frenzy by ministries and state governments to highly sensitive medical data!”

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

“Who can explain why the complete vaccination status of fellow human beings, from birth to death, has something to do with someone other than the treating family doctor?” asks Joachim Aigner. Because no one really understands why an employee of the Ministry of Health or a state government, who is usually a political party member, has to have access to such data. The back and forth of responsibilities is also exciting. Initially, the outsourced ELGA GmbH would have been responsible for the vaccination register, but then the Ministry of Health would have been responsible. In general, these constructs and outsourcing of administrative tasks urgently need to be questioned and repaired.

“If democracy is not just a slogan that politicians and their well-paid media feel comfortable with, people’s rights must finally be protected and, for example, bans on discrimination against unvaccinated people should be enshrined in the constitution. Otherwise, someone will declare the next pandemic tomorrow and the e-vaccination certificate managed by the Ministry of Health will decide whether we are allowed to go out at all,” concludes Aigner.

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