Medicines make valuable contributions to global health

Medicines make valuable contributions to global health

Medicines help improve the health and quality of life of the population and combat deadly diseases.

Medicines make valuable contributions to global health. They are not only able to cure acute illnesses, but can also help maintain the health of people in the long term and make life easier for people with chronic illnesses. Through the development of new therapies and the improvement of proven products, we now have an extensive range of medicines at our disposal in the fight against diseases.

Mag. Alexander Herzog, Secretary General of PHARMIG

Vienna (OTS) Every day the pharmaceutical industry provides medicines to provide medical care to the world’s population. On the occasion of World Health Day on April 7th, Alexander Herzog, Secretary General of PHARMIG, says: “Medicines make valuable contributions to global health. They are not only able to cure acute illnesses, but can also help maintain the health of people in the long term and make life easier for people with chronic illnesses. Through the development of new therapies and the improvement of proven products, we now have an extensive range of medicines at our disposal in the fight against diseases.

There have been a number of milestones in drug development throughout history. It is particularly gratifying when research advances can help cure fatal illnesses or alleviate chronic illnesses. The annual approval recommendations published by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), for example, provide insights into the pharmaceutical industry’s commitment to the fight against diseases.

Sea current report A total of 77 drugs were recommended for approval in 2023, with a large proportion being cancer drugs, followed by therapies for neurological diseases and vaccines to protect against respiratory diseases. The new therapies include the first to use the groundbreaking CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology to treat rare blood diseases. There was further growth in the area of ​​drugs for rare diseases.

The benefits that pharmaceutical products provide in the fight against disease go far beyond the health of patients. “If medications increase the quality of life of sick people and subsequently make them mobile or able to work again, this also has positive effects for relatives, doctors, nursing staff, the labor market and the economy. This shows what important contributions they can make when they are used. Not to mention the value they have for those who receive them,” said Herzog.

About PHARMIG: PHARMIG is the voluntary interest group of the Austrian pharmaceutical industry. The association currently has around 120 members (as of April 2024), who cover a good 95 percent of the medication market. PHARMIG and its member companies stand for the best possible security of supply of medicines in the healthcare system and ensure social and medical progress through quality and innovation.

Questions & Contact:

PHARMIG – Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry
Peter Richter, BA MA MBA
Head of Communications & PR
+43 664 8860 5264

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